Calcium supplements only in consultation with the doctor

Calcium supplements only in consultation with the doctor / Health News

Take calcium supplements only after consulting a doctor.

(08.09.2010) Supplementary calcium supplements have been suspected for a long time to promote cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks. For this reason, the German Society of Internal Medicine (DGIM) advises to use calcium supplements only in consultation with the attending physician.

If calcium is given to the body in large quantities, the risk of a heart attack increases by up to 30 percent. That has a scientific study of the New Zealand „University of Auckland“ determined with about 12,000 subjects, as the DGIM announced. Nevertheless, the supply of calcium is essential to prevent bone loss. Especially in elderly patients, calcium deficiency leads to osteoporosis, bone softening and bone fractures. However, calcium is also found naturally in daily foods.

According to the WHO, the recommended daily amount of calcium in adults is between 450 to 1000 milligrams (mg). Normally, calcium is absorbed in sufficient quantities through the diet. Vegetables, meat, fish and milk also contain plenty of natural calcium. Those who eat a balanced diet do not need supplemental preparations anyway.

The study found that while calcium increases bone density, it can damage the heart at the same time. Because after taking calcium supplements, the calcium levels in the blood rise to the highest level in the normal range within six hours. Plaques may form in the blood, causing calcification. More about the study can be found here. (Sb)

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