Calorie consumption Hiking comparable to jogging

Calorie consumption Hiking comparable to jogging / Health News

Calorie consumption while hiking similar to jogging


Sufficient exercise is essential for your health. However, many people do not have the usual sports activities. Hiking can be a sensible alternative for them. Because when hiking in about as many calories are consumed as in jogging, reports the news agency „dpa“ citing the communication of the German Hiking Association on the 114th German Hiking Day (from 13 to 18 August).

Hiking has many positive health effects and is gentle on the joints. Thanks to the relatively high calorie consumption, hiking also counteracts overweight. In addition, the cardiovascular system, but also the bones, joints, tendons and ligaments are strengthened, so the announcement of the „dpa“. Last but not least, hiking also has a positive effect on the psyche, as the feel-good hormone serotonin and the happiness messenger dopamine are released on prolonged walking. At the same time, stress hormones in the body would be broken down.

Relatively high calorie consumption when hiking
In terms of calorie consumption during hiking reports the „dpa“, the „an approximately 70-pound human being in the plane about 300 to 350 calories per hour“ burning. In the mountains, however, the calorie consumption is significantly higher. „The steeper the terrain, the more it is used up: When hiking with many meters of altitude, the consumption increases to about 550 calories per hour“, quotes the news agency, the Health Officer at the German Hiking Association in Kassel, Christine Merkel. This is „about as much as jogging“, the expert explained. But unlike jogging, hiking is also suitable for people with a strong overweight.

Walking for overweight especially suitable
Obese people consume even more energy than normal people when hiking, as they have to put more weight into motion, reports the „dpa“ continue. This would have the Wanderverband and the Federal Ministry of Economics already in 2010 in the common „Basic research Leisure and holiday market Hiking“ pointed. In addition, the calorie consumption can be influenced by the walking speed. However, it is true „when hiking basically, that the pace of the degree of fitness and condition is given“, quotes the news agency Christine Merkel. According to the expert, hikers should not be out of breath, but should find an appropriate pace in which they can travel evenly for several hours. The average walking pace is the speaker of the hiking association with four kilometers per hour, very athletic people would create up to six kilometers per hour. (Fp)

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