Calorie tax demanded for Germany

Calorie tax demanded for Germany / Health News

German Diabetes Society calls for fixing a calorie tax in the coalition agreement


High-calorie foods are a significant contributor to the growing numbers of overweight people in Germany. This is associated with a significant increase in common diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (for example arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease). With the introduction of a calorie tax could therefore according to the German Diabetes Society (DDG) „significant step“ to „primary prevention“ be made.

In a letter to the negotiators of CDU and SPD, Jens Spahn and Karl Lauterbach, the DDG emphasizes that the „Considerations to levy a tax on high-calorie foods in the future“, be welcomed. This is one „effective strategy against the further increase in common diseases“, explains DDG President Erhard Siegel. About the cost factor calorie tax could contribute to the change in eating habits, after the mere appeal to individual behavioral changes has been proven failed here.

Price signals for changing the diet
According to the German Diabetes Association, clear price signals are extremely effective. This has shown the anti-smoking campaign. The DDG Managing Director Dietrich Garlichs explained that „the proportion of young people between the ages of twelve and seventeen who uses a cigarette has halved over the past ten years“ have. In the so-called Alkopops, the effect was even more pronounced. After being taxed relatively quickly, they have almost disappeared from the market today. A comparable trend in the consumption of high-calorie foods could actually contribute to a significant reduction in the number of obese individuals and thus possibly even contribute to a decline in widespread diseases (or at least prevent further increases).

Relieve healthy food for tax purposes
According to DDG, the health experts Edgar Franke (SPD) and Erwin Rüddel (CDU), who want to set up half the VAT rate on all foods with more than 275 calories per 100 grams, had contributed the proposal for a calorie tax. So far staple foods - unlike prepared meals whose VAT rate is 19 percent - are only charged with 7 percent VAT. In order to avoid the impression that only one more tax will be levied to fill the state coffers, the DDG advises at the same time to make a tax relief for the healthy food. In the medium term, this step would „additionally relieve the health system“, so the assessment of the DDG. Affected by the calorie tax would be, for example, nut nougat cream, potato chips, chocolate bars and many types of fast food. According to the DDG, the calorie tax could usefully be introduced in combination with a sugar and fat tax, so that, for example, high-sugar soft drinks can also be detected.

Sugar-fat taxes to prevent common diseases
comparable „Sugar-fat tax“ exist according to the DDG „already in France, Finland, Hungary and Mexico.“ In several other countries an introduction is discussed. How large the need for action is here in Germany, it is clear from the nutrition report of the Federal Government, according to which 67 percent of men and 53 percent of women in Germany suffer from obesity. Since obesity is also a risk factor for diabetes, the DDG sees one of the reasons for the approximately 250,000 new cases of diabetes each year. According to the DDG, more than six million people in Germany suffer from diabetes. (Fp)

Picture: Bernd Bast