Low calorie tuber Jerusalem artichoke is well suited for diabetics

Low calorie tuber Jerusalem artichoke is well suited for diabetics / Health News

Delicious tuber: Jerusalem artichoke is low in calories and good for diabetics

Especially in the winter months, fresh Jerusalem artichoke tubers are often available at weekly markets, organic farms and delicatessens. The root vegetable not only tastes delicious, but is also extremely healthy. Above all, due to the ingredient inulin, it can help against obesity. The low-calorie, sweet tuber is also good for diabetics.

Good for people with diabetes

Jerusalem artichoke is valued in natural medicine for its nutritional properties. In particular, the inulin contained in the tuber plays an important role in the treatment of obesity or obesity. This fiber has little effect on blood sugar levels and is good for people with diabetes. From October to May, the fresh Jerusalem artichoke tubers are available at many weekly markets, organic farms and delicatessens.

Currently, Jerusalem artichokes are often available at weekly markets and delis. The root vegetable is full of healthy ingredients and is also low in calories. Even for diabetics, the tubers are well suited. (Image: Printemps / fotolia.com)

Jerusalem artichoke is native to North America

There are currently 24 clearly distinguishable varieties in Germany, of which, for example, "Gute Gelbe", "Bianka", "Waldspindel" and "Violet de Rennes" are considered good places to eat. This is indicated by the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE).

Originally from North America, Jerusalem artichoke reached Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. Its botanical name Helianthus tuberosus means "tuberous sunflower", which describes its ability to form terminal tuberous shoots on underground side shoots.

From these to -30 ° Celsius frost hardy tubers form up to three meters high shoots with small, sunflower-like, yellow flowers.

The tubers of Jerusalem artichoke are about the size of potatoes and, depending on the variety, roundish to oval, pear-shaped, cylindrical or spindle-shaped.

Healthy tuber

Under the thin, light beige, brownish or violet shell hide many valuable ingredients: In addition to provitamin A also vitamins of the B group and some vitamin C, also minerals, especially potassium and iron and bioactive phenolic compounds.

Topinambur is very filling due to its high fiber content. In contrast to potatoes, the tuber contains no starch, but the dietary fiber inulin.

This affects on the one hand prebiotic, that is, it stimulates the growth or activity of various types of bacteria in the intestine and influenced in this way the health positively.

In addition, inulin has no effect on the blood sugar level, the tubers are therefore well suited for diabetics. However, inulin not only has benefits for diabetics.

The soluble fiber is fermented in the large intestine to short-chain fatty acids and thus has a very low calorific value. Inulin is therefore low in calories with a higher sweetening power compared to conventional sugar.

In addition, the water content of the tuber has a positive effect on the calorie content of around 80 percent.

Versatile to use in the kitchen

The Jerusalem artichoke tubers are very versatile in the kitchen: with or without shell, raw or cooked, stewed or fried, with or without spices. Depending on the type of preparation, its nutty or artichoke-like taste comes to the fore.

Sliced ​​or grated, for example, they give salads a unique note, for example in combination with lamb's lettuce, salsify or apples. In order to prevent a brownish discoloration of the white to cream-colored meat, it is recommended to sprinkle with lemon juice.

When cooking, the nutty aroma unfolds, in combination with walnut oil or butter, it is particularly good effect. In the preparation of the imagination are no limits.

From casserole over bread, a carpaccio of extremely thin planed tubers, crisps, gratin, puree, rösti to the delicious Jerusalem artichoke soup: the root vegetables convinced as a main course or as a side dish.

And all at just 54 kilocalories in 100 grams of vegetables. But beware: Due to the thin shell, the tubers dry out relatively quickly and are not durable. They should therefore be processed as quickly as possible after the purchase.

It should also be noted that excessive consumption can lead to gas formation and diarrhea. (Ad)