Low calorie and high in fiber Kiwano - the sweet pickled cucumber

Low calorie and high in fiber Kiwano - the sweet pickled cucumber / Health News
The kiwano or cucumber is a particularly healthy fruit. It is low in calories, rich in vitamins and fiber. More and more often, the tasty fruits are also found in German supermarkets. That's why we took a closer look at the fruit.
It is yellow-orange, prickly and has a bright green flesh reminiscent of jello. The bizarre Kiwano has its home in sub-Saharan Africa. Meanwhile, the climber is also grown in Portugal, Kenya, New Zealand, Italy and Israel.

The Kiwano has a water content of 90 percent, is low in calories and high in fiber. In addition, it contains important minerals such as potassium and magnesium as well as vitamins B and C. Their taste is refreshingly acidic with a slight hint of cucumber. The Italians refer to the exotic as "Lemonbana", a fantasy made of lemon and banana. The kiwano (Cucumis metuliferus) belongs to the cucurbits and is more closely related to melon and cucumber. The oblong-round fruit is about 10 cm long, 5 cm thick and covered with spines reminiscent of small horns. Therefore, it is also called horn melon or cucumber.

Sweet and tasty: the yellow pickled cucumber. Picture: akamaraqu - fotolia

The fruits reach their maximal weight about one month after fertilization, in the following two weeks they become sweeter and orange and reach maturity. They are then 10 to 15 inches long and ellipsoidal. The spines on the surface have a broad base and are around one centimeter long. To fruit ripeness, the fruits are bright orange, the inside is green. The taste is described as a combination of bananas, lemons and passion fruit, others as stale and astringent. Fruits from wild plants taste bitter.

Before consumption, the Kiwano is first thoroughly washed. You eat the fruit like a kiwi: simply cut longitudinally and spoon out the jelly-like flesh with seeds. If you do not like the seeds, the pulp passes through a sieve. This is associated with some effort. The bowl of Kiwano is not edible, but it can be used as a decorative container for salads and drinks.

In fruit salads, the fruit is often combined with apples, bananas, pineapples and nuts. It is an eye-catcher in the sundae, cocktail and on the buffet. But also desserts, smoothies and spicy dishes with fish and seafood benefit from the extraordinary aroma. The Kiwano is available year round in stores. When shopping, ripe undamaged fruits are the best choice, which are orange-yellow in color and have solid spines. At room temperature they are stable for a few days. (Heike Kreutz, aid)