Coffee does not cause cardiac arrhythmia

Coffee does not cause cardiac arrhythmia / Health News

Does coffee cause cardiac arrhythmia? According to a study, US scientists claim exactly the opposite: Coffee would even reduce the risk of suffering heart rhythm disorders.

(17.05.2010) Many people believe that coffee causes cardiac arrhythmia. Patients suffering from arrhythmia of the heart therefore reduce their coffee consumption. But Professor Arthur Klatsky of Oakland says there is no reason to restrict coffee consumption and explained this on the basis of a recent study at the American Heart Association congress..

In a long-term study, a total of 130,000 people of both sexes were observed. The question was, how often are patients with cardiac arrhythmias in the context of coffee Kosum hospitalized? The results showed exactly the opposite, as the scientists explained. For example, regular consumption of coffee does not increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias. On the contrary, anyone who drinks coffee regularly suffers less from cardiac arrhythmias.

The results in detail: Those who drank at least four cups of coffee per day had an 18 percent lower risk of heart arrhythmias. Those who drank three cups a day had a relative risk reduction of about seven percent. 2.6 percent of the study participants were treated due to cardiac arrhythmia in a clinic. Atrial fibrillation was found in approximately half of the patients.

The scientists were unable to prove exactly why coffee protects against cardiac arrhythmias. However, the doctors suspect that the caffeine could inhibit the body's adenosine substance. Adenosine is responsible for the transmission of electrical impulses in the body. In general, however, it can not be proven that coffee protects against cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attack. Cardiovascular patients should discuss the coffee consumption with their doctor in detail. (Sb)

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