Coffee and green tea protect against stroke

Coffee and green tea protect against stroke / Health News

Coffee and green tea lower the risk of stroke


A large Japanese study of 80,000 subjects found a significantly lower risk of stroke among tea and coffee users. In summary, the researchers came to the conclusion: „People who drink tea or coffee often reduce their chances of succumbing to a stroke.“ The efficiency is given by the scientists with about 20 percent.

Stroke or cerebral stroke is one of the most prevalent diseases in Germany and ranks 3rd in deaths. Different lifestyles can help reduce the risk of stroke. According to a recent long-term study, drinks such as coffee or green tea could help reduce the risk of illness.

The biggest effect when people consume both drinks regularly
Coffee and tea are awarded in a special way health-promoting mechanisms of action. A large-scale science study in Japan has now concluded that frequent coffee and tea consumption greatly reduces the risk of suffering an insult. „The effect is especially true when people regularly consume both hot drinks“, the researchers write in the journal "Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association"

For the research, exactly 83,269 adult Japanese of both sexes were questioned about their drinking habits regarding coffee and green tea. Over a period of 13 years, the study participants were continuously asked about their drinking habits. In addition, the disease histories and death certificates were studied closely. In addition, the general lifestyle plays a prominent role in the questionnaires. The participants were also asked about their weight, tobacco and alcohol consumption, diets and sports activities. The latter factors played an important role in the calculation of the actual risk, because, for example, lack of exercise and a high-fat diet negatively influence the risk of stroke.

Green tea reduces risk by 14 percent
After evaluating the data situation taking into account further risk factors, the scientists came to the conclusion: „The more frequently the subjects drank coffee or green tea, the lower the risk rate for a stroke was“. Subjects who drank at least one cup of coffee a day had a 20 percent reduced risk of stroke compared to people who drank coffee rarely or rarely. If participants drank between two and three cups of green tea per 24 hours, the risk was 14 per cent lower than those who drank little or no green tea at all.

Higher cardiovascular risk through smoking and coffee
It remains unclear why coffee or green tea with their natural substances provide protection against cardiovascular diseases. „That still has to be determined“, emphasizes the research team. In addition, the researchers doubt that high consumption of coffee always means a risk to health. Although it was found that coffee drinkers who consumed more than two cups per day were also more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, however, this observation can not be linked to the ingredients of the coffee. Rather, it is due to the lifestyle of the strong coffee drinkers. Most of them also belong to the smokers, according to the research team.

Further research has already shown that regular coffee consumption can also reduce the risk of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. In addition, a moderate consumption would not lead to cardiac arrhythmias such as tachycardia. (Sb)

Also read:
Coffee reduces the risk of strokes
Study: Coffee and tea are good for the heart
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Picture: Peter Friday