Coffee reduces the risk of skin cancer?

Coffee reduces the risk of skin cancer? / Health News

Study: If you drink a lot of coffee, you rarely have skin cancer


Coffee is said to have many positive qualities. Among other things, he should reduce the risk of liver disease, Alzheimer's and diabetes. American scientists have now found that the likelihood of developing skin cancer can be reduced by drinking coffee regularly. Their results were published in the renowned trade magazine „Journal of the National Cancer Institute“.

Already two cups of coffee per day could reduce the risk of skin cancer by 20 percent
As part of the US Government's Health Research Program, researchers looked at a possible link between the regular consumption of coffee and the development of skin cancer. In the study of 450,000 men and women, who were on average 63 years old and no one at the beginning of the disease was diagnosed with skin cancer, 3,000 subjects developed malignant skin tumors at the end of the study.

Ninety percent of the study participants drank coffee regularly, at least one cup a day. As it turned out, they were less likely to suffer from skin cancer than the other subjects. According to researchers, two cups of coffee a day are enough to reduce the skin cancer risk by 20 percent.

The study also looked at other factors that could affect the risk of developing skin cancer. These included, among other things, the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes as well as the time in which the subjects exposed themselves to strong solar radiation.

„Increased coffee consumption was associated with a modest decline in the risk of melanoma in this large US cohort study. Further studies of coffee consumption and its constituents, especially caffeine, and the occurrence of melanoma are necessary“, the researchers write in the journal. (Ag)