Coffee or cola Harmful caffeine consumption due to time change

Coffee or cola Harmful caffeine consumption due to time change / Health News
One in four drinks more caffeinated drinks due to time change
The time change on the weekend has given us on Sunday one hour extra sleep, but it brings with many people health problems. The mini-jetlag leads among other things to fatigue. Therefore, it is not surprising what the KKH Commercial Health Insurance has found in a survey: the time change ensures that more caffeine-containing drinks are consumed.

Time change leads to higher consumption of caffeinated drinks
Whether "To Go", in the favorite cup in the office or steaming hot at the breakfast table: Coffee is popular with many Germans as a pick-me-up. At present, the hot drink seems to consume even more than usual. Because according to a recent forsa survey of the KKH commercial health insurance, one in four, who has problems because of the time change, drinks more caffeinated drinks.

In a survey of the commercial health insurance, one in four, who has problems with the time change, to consume more caffeinated drinks. (Image: fabiomax /

Women are more affected by the effects
As the health insurance company reports in a press release, women are generally more affected by the effects of the time change. According to it, 39 percent said they were struggling with tiredness, irritability or sleeping problems after the clocks were switched. For men, only one in four feels such problems.

The health effects of the time change are, however, according to health experts, much further. Finnish researchers, for example, reported that switching to summer time or wintertime causes a high risk of stroke. According to an earlier DAK Health statement, the time change leads to more heart attacks.

Appreciated as a pick-me-up
Although coffee was long considered harmful to health, it is healthier than most people believe. Above all, it is appreciated for its energetic effect. But how much caffeine is still healthy?

"There is nothing wrong with a temporary increase in caffeine consumption," said Simon Kopelke from the KKH service team in Hanover. "It is important that the consumption of coffee and co. Settles to a normal level after a few days. Because caffeine has addictive potential. "

Highly varying caffeine content
According to the experts, the caffeine content of a cup of coffee varies by variety, preparation and roasting process and is around 30 to 100 milligrams per 100 milliliters.

According to the KKH communication, the encouraging effect usually occurs 15 to 30 minutes after consumption and can last for several hours. How fast the caffeine is broken down in the body varies from person to person. "

Coffee loses its effect in higher doses
However, coffee loses much of its effectiveness in higher doses and is also influenced by the particular night's sleep. For example, US researchers recently reported that coffee has no effect after only a few nights of bad sleep.

Less caffeine in espresso
In an espresso is significantly less caffeine than in normal filter coffee, because the espresso beans with the hot water only briefly in contact. The stronger taste is mainly because more flavors are pressed from the bean.

Coke is also less caffeine-dense than coffee at about ten milligrams per 100 milliliters. So-called energy drinks with a caffeine content of 32 mg per 100 milliliters are significantly higher than those of cola. (Ad)