Fountain of youth Stay young and dynamic with a little more muscle power

Fountain of youth Stay young and dynamic with a little more muscle power / Health News
Staying young until old age: with muscle power
Often, as people get older, people will become increasingly immobile, their muscles slackening. This is not true for everyone. Seniors are more fit than ever before. Among other things, this has to do with a changed leisure behavior. With regular exercises, the body can keep its youthful momentum.
In search of the eternal fountain of youth
Humanity has been searching for the eternal fountain of youth for millennia. It is now known that a long life is probably due to better genes. It is not just about living as long as possible, but also staying healthy and fit. The best source of youthfulness we carry in us: our muscles. This can ensure that we remain dynamic and independent even into old age. In a message from the news agency dpa, Prof. dr. Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University in Cologne interesting information.

Be younger than you really are: with muscle power. Image: XtravaganT - fotolia

Muscle cells always stay in puberty
"Muscle cells are constantly renewing and usually do not get older than 15 years. They are in constant puberty, so to speak, "said the expert. They must, however, be claimed daily. "Muscles want to do something. Because for them the motto applies: Only what is used develops, what remains unused stunted, "said Froböse. The sports scientist explained that we lose about ten percent muscle power from the age of 30, because we have done nothing. However, regular exercise can significantly slow down the increase in adipose tissue.

It is therefore not surprising when a trained 60-year-old has the fatty tissue portion of an average 30-year-olds. So you stay virtually younger than you are. Interested people should know that it is never too late to start training. According to a study at the German Sport University, muscle power can double within a year. Positive side effect: Regular exercise keeps the brain young. This was the conclusion of a study by researchers at the University of Göttingen, which was published last year.

Integrate regular exercise into everyday life

The muscles should be used at least once a day "persevering". Optimal according to the expert, a moderate activity of 30 minutes, which can also be easily integrated into everyday life. For example, lunch is a great way to take a walk in the fresh air. You can also travel to work by bike. "In addition, the muscles should burn properly once a day".

This is possible, for example, by taking two steps at a time when climbing stairs, "says Froböse's advice. Muscles only grow if they are properly loaded. Because they are always "youthful", they can be strained daily into old age. If you want to stay fit, it's even a must. It is also important not to let the relaxation go unnoticed. Froböse has a simple everyday knitting for it: "To relax the muscles, first tighten them for three to five seconds - even if it may sound paradoxical. After that, the muscles are much easier to relax, "says the health expert. If the days are a little colder, a sauna or a warm bath can help with the relaxation. (Ad)