Jungbrunnen aging soon reversible? Cells can be rejuvenated

Jungbrunnen aging soon reversible? Cells can be rejuvenated / Health News
Reverse aging processes: Cells can be rejuvenated
Eternal life is one of the oldest human dreams. The hope for immortality will probably never be fulfilled. Yet, researchers worldwide are concerned with how life can be prolonged. Researchers in the US have now found out in an experiment with mice, how cells can be rejuvenated. In certain areas aging processes are reversible.

The life expectancy of people is increasing
The life expectancy of the Germans has reached a record level in recent years. In other countries too, people live much longer today. In recent years, some researchers have even claimed that life expectancy can be increased tenfold. Others came to the conclusion that maximum life expectancy was limited to 115 years. Even if there is no eternal life for any living being, at least the aging process is reversible. The scientists have found in a test with mice.

Even though people on average get older and older on average, we all have no eternal life. Researchers have now found out in experiments with mice how the aging process can be reversed. (Image: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Reversal of the aging process
Already years ago, studies looked at how cells can get younger again. Now researchers in the US have succeeded in turning back the biological clock of cells. They equipped mice with extra genes that led to the reversal of the aging process. The experts report on the new findings in the journal "Cell".

Cells rejuvenated by four genes
About ten years ago, the Japanese researcher Shinya Yamanaka managed to overcome the law of aging, at least in cells with a trick. As the Austrian "Standard" reported, the Japanese showed that adult, differentiated cells can be rejuvenated by reprogramming using four genes - to so-called "induced pluripotent stem cells". For this, Yamanaka received the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Since then, iPS cells have found wide use in biomedical research, also because, unlike human embryonic stem cells, they are considered ethically unproblematic.

Earlier attempts had failed
However, previous attempts to activate the Yamanaka factors in all cells of an organism had failed spectacularly. For example, two research teams in 2013 and 2014 reported that all experimental animals injected with the Yamanaka genes either died of cancer or organ damage as the cells in the tissue had given up their identity.

Scientists from the Salk Institute in California have now come up with the first evidence that reprogramming can be used not just to rejuvenate cells, but actually whole organisms, by carefully dosing and modulating them, the "standard" writes..

The team led by Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte made genetically engineered mice with four additional copies of the Yamanaka genes. According to the information, however, these were only activated when the animals drank water with a special active ingredient.

Slowing down the aging process
It is said that it actually slowed down the aging process by 30 percent, especially on the organs and on the regeneration of muscle tissue.

"Our study shows that aging does not just have to go in one direction," said Professor Izpisua Belmonte in a statement from the institute. "Aging could be reversed."

"Of course, mice are not human and we know it will be much more complex to rejuvenate a person," says the expert. "But this study shows that aging is a very dynamic and plastic process and therefore more suitable for therapeutic interventions than we previously thought."

Rejuvenation in humans
Even scientists who were not involved in the investigation were very impressed by the work, according to a report in the New York Times. Thus, they could be of great importance for new findings in biological aging research.

The researchers at the Salk Institute believe that the highly promising approach to rejuvenation in humans could contribute. However, at least another ten years would pass before clinical trials could be conducted.

Until then, you have to stick to the previously known ways to live longer. Above all, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle, because on average 17 years longer can be achieved, as researchers at the German Cancer Research Institute (DKFZ) have calculated. According to the experts, patience also plays a big role; The cells of impatient people age much faster. (Ad)