Teenagers surfing the internet makes you lonely

Teenagers surfing the internet makes you lonely / Health News

Too much internet in the nursery is harmful


For many children and adolescents, internet and computer games are part of their daily lives. After school first „gezockt“. Psychologists and doctors, however, are extremely critical of excessive media consumption. In the worst case threatens computer gambling addiction, a disease that is increasingly being explored. At the Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy in Mainz there is a nationwide unique treatment offer for those affected.

Too much internet and computer games make lonely
If children spend too much time in front of the computer, they can become addicted to the virtual world. „I would recommend that parents familiarize themselves with what their children do online, "advises Manfred Beutel, director of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy in Mainz, which also includes regulating children's online time. „You have to learn early that there are times for online activities, but also enough time for offline activities. "

If you spend too much time in the virtual world, you become lonely. That's why parents should watch if the kids too „not virtual“ Maintain contacts with peers. „Parents should be aware of what their children's social contacts are and help if possible. So it's better to go out to friends or invitations once more, "says Beutel, adding that it's not wise to focus solely on the online aspect, and parents should also look at the child's other activities.

Parents are role models for their children. This also applies to media consumption. If the TV is on the adult's TV all day, it's hard to tell a child that it needs to turn off their computer. „I always ask parents and children: what do you do together, what is there for common activities? That's sometimes a bit thin, "reports Beutel, but it's very important that parents offer alternatives to their children.

Therapy with computer gambling addiction
In the „Sabine M. Grüsser-Sinopoli ambulance for gambling addiction“ At the Mainz University Hospital, people who are suffering from an internet or computer gambling addiction find help. As part of a model project, those affected will also have access to group therapeutic treatment offers for the still relatively new disorder in Germany for the first time. (Ag)

> Image: Alexandra H.