Adolescents in Bavaria died because of carbon monoxide poisoning - this is how protection works

Adolescents in Bavaria died because of carbon monoxide poisoning - this is how protection works / Health News
Again and again deaths due to carbon monoxide - teenagers died from smoke poisoning
Now the assumption has been officially confirmed: The six teenagers who were found dead in a summerhouse near Arnstein (Bavaria) on Sunday died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Every year, hundreds of people die from the odorless gas. Experts explain what you can do for your own safety.

Six adolescents found lifeless
On Sunday morning, five young men and a woman had been found lifeless in a summerhouse near Arnstein in the Lower Franconian district of Main-Spessart. The quickly rushed emergency doctor could only determine the death of the adolescents. It has now been officially confirmed that the teenagers died of smoke poisoning.

The six teenagers who were found dead in a garden shed in Bavaria at the weekend died of carbon monoxide poisoning. The odorless gas may have leaked through a wood stove. (Image: Louis /

Carbon monoxide poisoning confirmed as a cause of death
"According to the latest results of the forensic medical examination, the cause of death has been established in the meantime. Accordingly, the six adolescents died at the age of 18 and 19 years of carbon monoxide poisoning, "it says in a joint press release by the police headquarters of Lower Franconia and the prosecutor Würzburg.

According to media reports, in the brick garden shed on a secluded property, there was a wood-burning stove, which was quickly linked to the death of the young people. According to police, "the cause of the leakage of the toxic gas" but "continues to be the subject of criminal investigation".

The lifeless adolescents were discovered by the father of a sibling couple, who wanted to look, since he had not heard from them since the evening.

Health hazards due to carbon monoxide
Experts repeatedly warn against underestimating the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO). The odorless, tasteless and flammable gas arises, for example, when materials such as wood, coal or gas burn without sufficient oxygen, such as in closed rooms or in defective gas heating. Carbon monoxide poisoning by wood pellets is also possible.

Especially in confined spaces and higher concentrations, the chemical compound can cause poisoning. What is unknown to many: Shisha smoking also risks carbon monoxide poisoning.

Hundreds dead by the odorless gas
Since carbon monoxide is odorless, sufferers usually do not notice that they have inhaled the gas. Especially in sleep, the risk of stifling is therefore great. The gas blocks the transport of oxygen in the blood.

With a poisoning it comes to complaints such as headache, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea and unconsciousness up to the death by suffocation.

Every year, hundreds of people in Germany die from carbon monoxide poisoning. For example, in October a woman in Langsur (Rhineland-Palatinate) had died of such poisoning in her apartment.

How to help poisoned people
The German Red Cross (DRC) explains on its website, what can be done with a carbon monoxide leak for the poisoned and also for their own safety.

The experts point out to hold your breath. "Handkerchief held in front of mouth and nose does not protect! It does not filter toxic gases, "the experts write. Inhaled should be in fresh air, for example, at the window. "A second helper takes over the security (safety rope)."

The room should be provided with fresh air, doors and windows are open. If possible, close the "gas source". The poisoned must be rescued in the fresh air. (Ad)