Youth and Drugs Declining alcohol and cigarette consumption among teenagers

Youth and Drugs Declining alcohol and cigarette consumption among teenagers / Health News
Fewer German teenagers smoke and drink alcohol
Current figures from the Federal Center for Health Education show that smoking among young people in Germany is becoming more and more out of fashion. Also, alcohol consumption is out among more and more teenagers.

Smoking is out of fashion among German teenagers
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently presented a study showing that young people in Europe and North America now drink and smoke less than they did just a few years ago. Now there are new numbers, according to which smoking is increasingly out of fashion among German teenagers. According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), the proportion of smoking 12- to 17-year-olds in the past year fell to the historic low of 7.8 percent.

Smoking is becoming increasingly out of fashion among German adolescents. Also, the alcohol consumption of teenagers is falling. (Image: Sabphoto /

Most of the adolescents have never smoked
According to a press release of the BZgA, the quota at the turn of the millennium was still at 27 to 38 percent and then dropped almost continuously. Already in previous years it was reported that the number of young smokers has dropped significantly. In 2014, it was 9.7 percent. At the same time, the proportion of adolescents who had never smoked nearly doubled. It rose from 40.5 percent in 2001 to 79.1 percent in 2015.

Even young adults are less likely to use their cigarettes
The data of the BZgA comes from a survey of more than 7,000 young people on the subject of drug use. The decline is attributed by the Federal Agency to preventive measures initiated after the turn of the millennium. The Federal Government Drugs Commissioner, Marlene Mortler, said: "The results of the drug affinity study show that we are on the right track in drug and addiction prevention. Smoking is no longer part of the lifestyle of young people in Germany. "According to the study data available on the BZgA website, the proportion of smokers among young adults between the ages of 18 and 25 has fallen sharply in recent years. In the past year, the smoking rate in this age group also fell to a historic low of 26.2 percent.

Alcohol consumption of teenagers declining
According to the BZgA, the regular consumption of alcohol by young Germans also continues to decline. According to the survey, ten percent of the 12- to 17-year-olds and 33.6 percent of the 18- to 25-year-olds said they regularly drink alcohol. In 2005, the quotas were still at 18.6 percent and 40.5 percent, respectively. According to BZgA, about one in three aged 12 to 17 years said they had never drunk alcohol. "Worryingly, however, is still the high number of young people practicing binge drinking. In addition, too many young adults are still using the illicit drug cannabis, "said the head of the BZgA. Heidrun Thaiss.

Prevention campaigns against legal and illegal drugs
Since 2009, the Federal Center organizes the prevention campaign "Alcohol? Identify your limit ", which is supported by the Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV). To better reach young people in the future, more will be placed on social networks and online platforms such as YouTube. Specific addiction prevention campaigns of the BZgA are also available against tobacco use and against illegal drugs. (Ad)