Itching and red pustules In a sun allergy, UV light therapy can help

Itching and red pustules In a sun allergy, UV light therapy can help / Health News
Skin problems: prevent sun allergy by UV light therapy
Soaking up the sun ensures good mood and health. But in some people, the sunbaths also quickly cause skin problems. Anyone who is allergic to the rays of the sun should try UV therapy.

Not all can tolerate sunbathing
Be it on the beach holiday, in the outdoor pool or in the garden at home: Most people love to be pampered by the warming, soothing rays of the sun. The UV rays are not only important for our psychological well-being, but also help to form the vital vitamin D, strengthen our immune system, control the hormone balance and stimulate the metabolism. But in some people, the skin does not play after a few sunbaths, it comes to allergic reactions.

In people who suffer from a sun allergy, itching red patches, pustules, pimples or blisters form after staying in the sun. A UV light therapy can help those affected. (Photo: kanachaifoto /

Allergy torments your stay in the sun
According to health experts, the number of people experiencing allergic reactions in strong sunlight has increased in recent years. More and more children suffer from sun allergy.

A stay in the sun is often a torment. Itchy red spots, pustules, pimples or blisters: A sun allergy can express itself very differently. In most cases it is very painful and unpleasant.

In a message from the news agency dpa, a dermatologist explains how to prevent a sun allergy.

Skin can be hardened
According to the Munich Dermatologist Christoph Liebich from the Professional Association of German Dermatologists sufferers can prevent in the following year.

"You can harden the skin by means of a low-dose UV light therapy, so to speak," said the physician.

Since sun allergy, according to health experts, but mainly by UV-A rays, less caused by UV-B rays, it usually brings nothing if you go to prevent the solarium.

The German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) writes on its website: "Vorbräunen on the sunbed brings no safe protection, because in many tanning salons usually only UV-A rays are used, the skin is missing the protective skin thickening."

According to the experts so tanned skin "necessarily be protected by sunscreen".

Symptoms often occur only days later
The symptoms of allergy typically appear after a few hours or days in the sun. Usually the symptoms will subside during the summer.

Once the allergy is there, helping sufferers only wear long clothing that effectively protects against UV light.

As it says in the agency message, it is not yet clear how exactly the sun allergy arises. It is believed that the UV light gives rise to an allergen in the body. (Ad)