Every year, 26,000 people die from colorectal cancer

Every year, 26,000 people die from colorectal cancer / Health News

Every year, 26,000 people die from colorectal cancer


Every year, around 26,000 people die of colorectal cancer in Germany. However, many Germans do not talk about the topic, as a survey has now shown. In the month of March, health organizations, companies, cities, clinics and individuals are committed to colorectal cancer screening.

Colon cancer for many Germans a taboo topic
Colon cancer obviously remains a taboo topic. As a study has now revealed, 41 percent of Germans do not speak about the disease and about half of the German citizens assess their knowledge about the second most common cancer in Germany as bad. The doctor is the preferred point of contact for those people who approach the topic on their own initiative. This shows the survey „Colorectal cancer screening 2015“, for which the market research firm Toluna on behalf of „PENTAX Medical“ 1,000 adults over the age of 18 interviewed online. In the month of March, health organizations, companies, cities, clinics and private individuals have been involved in colorectal cancer screening.

Disease can often be cured at early detection
Every year, around 26,000 people die of colorectal cancer in Germany and that, although this disease can often be prevented or cured in an early detection, for example by a colonoscopy. Lack of knowledge or fear still keeps many Germans from taking precautions. It also showed that four out of ten respondents are embarrassed to even talk about the topic. Only about one in four speaks to closely-knit people about the disease or its precautions. At least 43 percent of them talk to their doctor about it, but another 28 percent do so only when they have to, so they directly address the physician. Thus, the doctor is the most important guide to the topic.

Insured persons do not fulfill their claim to investigation
Statutory health insurance in the age of 50 to 54 years in Germany in the context of cancer screening have a right to a test for hidden blood in the stool (occult blood test) and a palpation of the rectum. And from the age of 55 there is a claim to a colonoscopy (colonoscopy). In case of an inconspicuous test result, a new colonoscopy is possible after ten years. However, as the majority of those insured do not use early detection, health professionals repeatedly point out that patients do not have to worry because colonoscopy is usually a pain-free procedure.

Fast painless colonoscopy
Patients with chronic inflammatory bowel disease or with typical warning signs such as blood in the stool or a so-called pencil chair should definitely talk about the possibility of a check-up, even if they are younger than 50 years old. In the survey „Colorectal cancer screening 2015“ 48 percent indicated that they are poorly acquainted with the subject, mostly because they say they have no time or inclination to take care of it. Nine percent feel too young and five percent do not want to know about colon cancer or colorectal cancer screening. „Only those who are well informed know that a colonoscopy rarely causes pain and lasts only 15 to 30 minutes. Modern colonoscopy tubes are thin and soft and the built-in camera is tiny“, said Johannes Stäbler, Marketing Manager of „PENTAX Medical“. „During colonoscopy, polyps can be directly detected and removed before any cancer develops“, so Stäbler. (Ad)

> Image: Sigrid Rossmann