Each year, 200 children die from shaking trauma

Each year, 200 children die from shaking trauma / Health News

Specialists recommend Sono of the spinal canal in case of suspected shaking trauma


The German Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM) recommends sonography of the spinal canal in case of suspected shaking trauma. Every year in Germany alone between 100 and 200 infants die as a result of a so-called shaking trauma.

What is a shaking trauma??
A shaking trauma occurs when a crying baby is intentionally, quickly and violently shaken. The medical examination often shows subdural hematomas, retinal bleeding, fractures, such as the ribs and upper arms, and diffuse brain damage. Accidental injury, inadvertent violent gambling or medical treatment can be ruled out in such cases.

The consequences of a shaking trauma may include serious disabilities and even the death of the baby. Axel Feldkamp, ​​Senior Physician of the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the Klinikum Duisburg and Head of the Department of Paediatrics at DEGUM reports: „If the small head vibrates strongly by shaking, subdural hematomas rapidly form.“ Shaking trauma is one of the most common forms of child maltreatment and is usually committed by supervisors such as parents, grandparents or the babysitter.

Ultrasound penetrates the fine cartilage of babies
A recent study by the University of Innsbruck has shown that even bruising around the baby's spinal cord can indicate shaking trauma. The team led by Ingmar Gassner first examined the brains of affected children by means of ultrasound and found there bruises. He then performed sonographies of the spinal cord and also found there bruising.

In babies, the vertebral arches, which protect the spinal canal with the spinal cord, are still largely made of cartilage. Ultrasound waves can penetrate these other than in adults and make bruises visible. „Their common occurrence around the brain and spinal cord can confirm the suspicion of a shaking trauma“, reports Ingmar Gassner and advises doctors to use the ultrasound examination of the brain and spinal cord in cases of suspected shaking trauma.

Parents need help
A violent shaking of infants and babies usually happens out of a parent's overworking situations. If babies cry a lot and can not be reassured for days or weeks, parents are often overwhelmed and sometimes at the end of their power. Instead of going beyond its own limits, sufferers should „screaming ambulance“ seek out, as the pedagogue Sebastian Bertram from Hanover advises. „In each city ambulances are mostly installed in children's clinics. In addition to the physical examination of the child, parents can receive support and assistance“. The study was published in the journal „Ultrasound in medicine“ released. (ag, sb)

Image: Sabrina Gonstalla