Protect your skin from the sun in spring

Protect your skin from the sun in spring / Health News

Do not go outdoors without sunscreen


When the first rays of sunshine lure in spring, many people are attracted to the outdoors. However, care should be taken to ensure adequate sun protection, says dermatologist Herbert Kirchesch in an interview with the news agency „dpa“. Since the skin must first get used to the sun after winter, sunburn can easily occur.

Protect skin with a high sun protection factor from the sun
Those who spend a long time in the sun, for example, on a bike ride or a long walk, should free body spots cream with sunscreen creams, advises the Deputy State Chairman North Rhine in the professional association of German dermatologists. It is important to have a high sun protection factor, since the skin is very sensitive after the winter. „One should not be fooled by the rather cool, spring-like temperatures: The sun is already quite intense“, so the dermatologist. The forehead, ears, nose and hands are particularly at risk. Especially in the midday sun the UV radiation is intense and can easily cause sunburn.

„There are people who realize after a quarter of an hour that something is going on“, reports Kirchesch. People with skin that does not turn brown in the sun are particularly vulnerable. „It will catch it especially with so early sun with untrained skin rather than others.“

Home remedy for sunburn
When the skin is reddened and hurts after a stay in the sun, especially cooling provides relief. It should not fall below a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, as excessive cold can slow down the healing process of the skin.„Home remedies such as moist envelopes usually help quite well“, advises the dermatologist. „A sunburn is for me something that also pulls and tenses the next day and is more than a little red.“ If the burn is stronger, the doctor usually prescribe a cortisone-containing lotion.

Basically, the affected skin should be covered by clothing and protected from the sun until the sunburn is completely healed. In naturopathy, in addition to cold compresses, healing earth is used to soothe the skin. In addition, a teaspoon of soda dissolved in one liter of water can be sprayed on the affected skin and provide relief. Cucumber slices also have a cooling and soothing effect on sun-burnt skin. On the other hand, ointments, fats and oils should not be used on sunburn as they can reduce heat loss through the skin and even cause worsening of the condition. (Ag)

Image: William Veder