Now even salmonella germs - Again started egg callbacks

Now even salmonella germs - Again started egg callbacks / Health News
Recall: Eggs from ground husbandry contaminated with salmonella
A few days ago, a large recall of eggs contaminated with the insecticide fipronil was started. Now more eggs have to be recalled because they have been found to contain salmonella. These bacteria can pose a serious health risk to some individuals.

Recall due to dangerous bacteria
The discounter Aldi has recently announced to take all the eggs from the supermarkets. The company apparently does not want to take any risks after eggs from the Netherlands contaminated with the insecticide fipronil have appeared in various federal states. As a result, millions of eggs nationwide were recalled or destroyed. Now another call for eggs has been started. This time not because of a biocide, but because of salmonella.

The company Axvitalis from Regensburg has started a call back for eggs from ground husbandry. Salmonella had been detected in the eggs. (Image: alexandco /

Eggs burdened from ground husbandry
As reported by the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety on its portal "", the company Axvitalis from Regensburg has started a call-back for "Eggs from ground keeping".

According to the information provided, the Salmonella Enteritidis bacterium was detected in the products with a best-before date (MHD) until 16 August 2017 and print number 2-DE-0358851.

The states of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Thuringia and Hesse are affected.

"All eggs marketed with the aforementioned print number have already been taken off the shelves. Consumers who still have eggs with the aforementioned print number are requested to hand them over to their sales outlets ", the portal states.

Salmonella can endanger your health
Salmonella are bacteria that can cause various diseases in humans, especially in the gastrointestinal area.

After eating contaminated foods, you may experience discomfort such as abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

In certain groups, such as children and the elderly or immunocompromised, infection can even be life-threatening in extreme cases. (Ad)