Every morning a morning low a sign of depression

Every morning a morning low a sign of depression / Health News
To correctly interpret early signs of depression
Depression has an impact on all areas of life of those affected and can also be a significant burden for family, partnership and friendships, according to the Communication of the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN). If the depression is not recognized in time and treated consistently, it threatens to become chronic. Early evidence of depression, such as the daily morning low mood, should therefore be taken seriously.

According to the DGPPN, depression occurs at any age, regardless of gender and social status. Severe depression brings not only massive impairments to the life situation, but also the risk of suicide. "However, if the diagnosis is made early and a guideline-based treatment is provided, we can help many of those affected permanently and successfully," the DGPPN continues. Essential therefore is an early diagnosis of the disease. Here, the depression or lack of energy in the morning can be an important indicator of depression, reports the news agency "dpa", citing the professional association of German neurologists.

The morning mood low can indicate a depressive illness. (Image: Edler von Rabenstein / fotolia.com)

Recognize signs of depression
Depressed mood and despair in the morning are, according to the dpa, possible signs of a depressive illness. If the emotional morning depression occurs over a period of more than two weeks, the affected person would be advised to seek professional help, as the disease alone would be difficult to overcome. Many depressed patients would experience an emotional morning depression, feel morose and unmotivated. Often there are difficulties to get up in the morning and those affected are hardly resilient, so the "dpa" on. Often they would also quickly get tired and would have to force themselves to do anything - even lighter, actually pleasant occupations.

Physical signs of depressive illness
According to the experts, depression can also be caused by physical symptoms such as sleep disturbances, headaches, back pain and neck pain, cardiovascular disorders or tightness of the chest, the "dpa" reports. In addition, some patients had gastrointestinal complaints. Conversely, depression could also be caused by physical illnesses, which is why a review of possible organic causes is important. By early treatment serious health and social effects are usually preventable.

Dangerous therapeutic supply situation
The current supply situation of depressive patients, however, causes great concern for the experts of DGPPN, as many sufferers have to wait too long to get an appointment with a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy or a medical or psychological psychotherapist. Here, "recent surveys show that 18 percent of people with severe depression are not treated." Furthermore, only 25 percent of patients receive treatment as recommended by the scientific guidelines, according to the DGPPN Communication. Depression is a challenge for society as a whole, which is why the general population needs to be informed and educated even more consistently. (Fp)