Struck every morning? Low blood sugar at night can be the reason

Struck every morning? Low blood sugar at night can be the reason / Health News
Diabetes sufferers often feel like they're being turned up in the morning. The reason for this is hypoglycaemia during sleep, which can be dangerous.

Symptoms of low blood sugar include sweating such as palpitations, cravings, restlessness and confusion. A strong sugar shortage even leads to convulsions and unconsciousness. Loss of consciousness in sleep can threaten life.

Who is hypoglycemic at night, feels in the morning as if broken. (Pix4U /

Those affected wake up as sweaty as they are exhausted - and at first glance paradoxically with elevated blood sugar levels. This is a reaction of the body. Long-term consequences of chronic hypoglycaemia at night are massive heart problems.

Often the trigger is a miscalculated insulin dose. For example, in sports in the evening, sufferers should first reduce the insulin dose. To prevent hypoglycaemia at night, the sufferer can measure the blood sugar before going to bed. If the affected persons also notice symptoms, they can immediately consume glucose, sugar cubes or sugar-rich juice.

If they are already dizzy or even unconscious, an emergency doctor or partner should inject a hormone that raises blood sugar - into the muscle of a thigh or into the abdomen.

Who is at risk?
Exact studies are still pending. However, it is clear that those who suffer from diabetes mellitus, even under heavy obesity and high blood pressure, carries a high risk of nocturnal hypoglycaemia. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)