Is ADHD just a childhood disease?

Is ADHD just a childhood disease? / Health News
In the past, ADHD (attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder) was considered to be a typical childhood disease, and in recent years it has become apparent that the majority of children with ADHD are allegedly still suffering from it as adults. In an interview on ADHD in Brigitte 7/2017 z. B. Alexandra Philipsen, Director of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University Hospital. Oldenburg that about 60% of children diagnosed with ADHD still suffer from this alleged disorder as adults.

Philipsen also belongs to the advisory board of ADHS Deutschland e. V., an association of German ADHD self-help groups, which receives donations from the pharmaceutical company Shire. The association estimates that two million adults in Germany are affected by ADHD "without having the slightest idea" (1). Frodl u. Skokauskas even assume 80% persistence of adult ADHDs (2). The treatment with relevant psychotropic drugs is now approved in Germany as well as in adults.

The number of children with ADHD has increased again in recent years. The little ones find it hard to concentrate and keep their impulses under control. For homework and games they often lack the patience. (Image: S.Kobold /

Recently, however, three research studies have been published which put the percentage of adult ADHD at only between 10 and 21.9%. The best of these studies is that of Moffitt et. al., because she really brought adults in, while in the other two studies the "adults" were only 18-19 years old. The researchers only find a persistence of 10%. Thus, 78.1-90% of children diagnosed with ADHD no longer have this diagnosis in adulthood.

Some ADHD researchers therefore suspect that adults are quite different disorders than children. Yoshimasu u. a. There are still 12 other psychiatric disorders in adults with ADHD diagnosis. By far the majority of adults diagnosed with ADHD have anything but ADHD? If already the (mainly based on expectations in the school oriented) diagnostics
In the end, it does not suit children with evidence-based medical criteria, what sense could it be to extend these criteria into adulthood - except to increase sales of methylphenidate?

Overall, it can be stated that ADHD continues to be a child diagnosis alone. However, this is just a non-specific diagnostic collection pot.