Is 3D television dangerous to health?

Is 3D television dangerous to health? / Health News

Electronics manufacturer Samsung: warning of their own 3D TVs?

(28.04.2010)Hardly many people have found joy in the great format 3D, it could already give first indications of health impairments. So warns the Korean consumer electronics company "Samsung" on its Australian website in front of their own 3D TVs. Thus, 3D television can lead to blurred vision, muscle twitching, convulsions and nausea in people in "poor physical condition". Even people who drank too much alcohol or slept too little, should rather do without 3D television. But the warnings are pure precautions to legally protect against all eventualities?

Concrete results, whether 3D is actually harmful to health, could not be provided at present. To date, there is a lack of scientific long-term studies. At the moment, there are only reports that some people get sick when they watch movies in 3D. Others complain of mild eye pain when they watch a 3D movie for a long time. The vast majority of people complain about any health impairments. (Sm)

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