iPhone burned into the chest of a woman

iPhone burned into the chest of a woman / Health News

iPhone burned a wound in the chest of a woman at night


For many people, the smartphone is a constant companion. For a young woman falling asleep with her iPhone was fatal. As always, she left the phone beside her as she went to bed. When she woke up, she had a 15-centimeter burn on her chest. Obviously, the mobile phone had caused this wound.

A huge hole burned on the chest
The iPhone is a constant companion for many people. Likewise for the 24-year-old Dionne Baxter from Great Britain. „I connected the iPhone to the charger to charge the battery“, the young woman reported to the English magazine „Daily Mail“. Next to the loading smartphone, the woman finally fell asleep. When she woke up the next morning, she felt a strong pain on her left breast. „My iPhone burned a huge hole in my bosom“, the woman told the newspaper. „The phone was so hot that I could not handle it with heat“, emphasized the cell phone victim.

The newspaper further reported that the woman apparently put on the iPhone at night and continued to sleep. As a result, the phone has heated and caused about 15 centimeters large burn on the chest. When Dionne woke up, she immediately drove to a clinic. Once there, the wound was treated with antibiotics. In addition, the doctors gave the patient analgesics.

Banish cell phones from the bedroom
In the further course, the spot inflamed and continued to pull over the entire chest. In the interview, the young mother said: „I can not breastfeed my daughter right now. In addition, I have the fear, if I can breastfeed even a child with this broken breast.“ The incident was a real shock to the family: „Imagine, my daughter had slept on this side of the bed and the mobile phone had burned her face.“ From the manufacturer's side there was no opinion on the incident. However, experts advise to banish the phones out of the bedroom for many reasons anyway. (Sb)