Inversion therapy for back pain

Inversion therapy for back pain / Health News

Fascial Distortion Model: Inversion Therapy for Back Pain


At the International Fasziendistorionsmodell (FDM) course in Tokyo, the 11.-13. February 2011, inversion therapy was presented as a specific treatment for chronic low back pain.

Inversion Therapy was evaluated by US FDM therapist Marjorie Kasten, P.T. significantly further developed. Box exerts this special form of treatment since 1997. She is a direct student of the founder of the Fasziendistorionsmodells, Dr. med. Stephen Typaldos D.O. Both worked closely together until Typaldo's death in April 2006. According to von Kasten, Typaldos has always referred many patients who needed inversion therapy to them. Over the years, she has gained a lot of experience, which she passed on to the participants of the International Course in Tokyo. After Kasten, the inversion therapy was already applied around 400 BC. There are reports from Hippocrates, who did not apply the inversion, according to which people with traumatic kyphosis were then hung on their feet and shaken up quite brutally.

The inversion therapy exists within the Fasziendistorsionsmodell for the treatment of so-called Faltdistorsionen. These are three-dimensional deformations of the so-called Faltfaszien. Those affected usually complain of pain during long standing or while moving, but have no appreciable restriction of movement. A verbal indication of this particular distortion of the fascia is that the patients feel their pain as „always“ present describe.

The Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) finds the way to properly treat these complaints through body language, subjective and objective findings, and the onset of symptoms. Kasten pointed out that a common cause is car accidents, which cause strong traction and decompression forces on the human organism. To accompany it, she presented videos of crash tests, in which it was easy to see that in part both forces act together on the body. In addition to car accidents, Kasten sees falls on stairs, riding accidents or accidents during sports activities as a trigger for folding distorsions that is often observed in practice.

Kasten uses inversion devices and rubber balls as treatment devices. The inversion devices counteract gravity by fixing the patients on a couch with their feet and rotating them through 180 degrees. There is also the Invertrac from Canada, where the people to be treated are more likely to be turned over in a sitting position. In addition, the FDM therapist can put even more traction on individual parts of the body and the spinal region to specifically treat affected areas.

Kasten also stretches the patients on the rubber balls in the back, abdominal or lateral position in the area of ​​the spine. Especially with chronic back pain, she recommends the inversion therapy as an effective remedy for therapists. The attending participants, including a delegation from the European FDM organization EFDMA, were able to convince themselves of the effectiveness of the therapies by means of live demonstrations on patients. In addition, Kasten also used the so-called plunger or masterplumber. This is a special American pool that has a longer stem of Plexiglas instead of a wooden handle. This stem is screwed in contrast to the European variant and not plugged. Another difference is that the suction surface is not made of rubber, but of vinyl. This device works on the back. Due to the strong negative pressure, the fascia surfaces are to be loosened and made lubricious again. This treatment is appropriate from the viewpoint of FDM in patients where a stiff back is the reason for visiting an FDM therapist.

In addition to the handles and techniques, Kasten recommended exercises that can be given to the patient. Kasten recommends inversion therapy for pain, improved blood flow to the leg, improved movement, or as an effective means of detecting other hitherto hidden fascial distortions. Marjorie Kasten considers glaucoma, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart attack and others as relative contraindications to be requested and observed by FDM therapists. Last Friday, the participants had already received an introduction by the President of the Japanese FDM Association FAA Keisuke Tanaka into the fascistic distortion model.

Tanaka, who co-organized the International FDM Course in Tokyo with FAA Vice President Kohei Iwata, advocated preserving the ideas of Founder Dr. Stephen Typaldos and argued against mingling with other manual procedures. The course takes place on the eighth floor of the Taitokan building in the district of Asakusa. This part of the city is also known across the borders of Japan because of the very important Asakusa Shrine.

Tomorrow, Marjorie Kasten P.T. demonstrating other forms of inversion therapy. Since the time difference between Germany and Japan currently amounts to eight hours, the price of this article in the morning hours in Germany at this time in Japan has already run. (Tf)