Invasion of Ambrosia pollen

Invasion of Ambrosia pollen / Health News

Heavy times for allergy sufferers due to increasing spread of mugwort ragweed


Originally from North America, the highly allergenic mugwort ambrosia is increasingly being prepared in Europe. The result is a significant extension of the allergy season for hay fever patients - also in Germany. In addition, costs for the medical care of those affected by „up to one billion euros a year“, so the current release of the Ludwig Maximillians University Munich (LMU).

Has hay fever so far „especially between March and July, when in Germany most of the trees and grasses are in bloom“, For example, the pollen invasion caused by the mugwort ragweed has led to a considerable lengthening of the hay fever season, reports the research team headed by Professor Franziska Ruëff from the LMU's Allergy Center. The North American mugwort ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) is increasingly spreading in Germany and Europe, where it flowers from August to October. Due to the highly allergenic effect it could „Allergy sufferers experience massive complaints“, so the message of the LMU.

Substantial costs due to the increase in ambrosia allergies
The scientists of the Allergy Center of the LMU participated in a recent study to estimate the „allergy costs“, caused by the increasing spread of mugwort ragweed. The study was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) „Invasion: Evolutionary, ecological and social consequences of biological invasions“ carried out. It was „It is important to estimate the cost of ragweed allergies because they must be seen in relation to the cost of curbing the plant“, said the environmental economist Dr. Wanda Born, Head of Analysis at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig.

The scientists of the LMU surveyed patients who „suffer from a pollen allergy and have been shown to be sensitized to ragweed“, on their health impairments, the required visits to the doctor and the number of days on which they were unable to work because of their allergies. It turned out that the majority of patients had to consult a doctor five times a year because of their complaints. About one third of the respondents were hospitalized for around five days every year due to the allergy. About 20 percent could not go to work on average 14 days a year.

Limitations of quality of life due to pollen allergy
The researchers estimate that every fifth German today suffers from hay fever, although it remains unclear how many are also sensitized to ragweed pollen. In other countries, such as Hungary, where the plant is already widespread in some regions, it is estimated that around half of hay fever patients are allergic to pollen of mugwort ragweed. In Germany, experts assume that if the plant spreads further, up to ten percent of the population - that is, more than eight million people - could become ill. For those affected, the allergy to the Ambrosia pollen is usually a significant burden. About 50 percent of them are „limited during the pollen season even with simple physical activities“, reports the LMU. The strong impairment of „Patients' quality of life is also reflected in the fact that more than a third of them would financially support the control of mugwort ragweed“, explained Professor Franziska Ruëff.

Treatment costs of allergy sufferers can increase by 15 percent
In fact, ambrosia allergy costs not only health insurance but also patients. According to the results of the latest survey, patients spend around 200 euros per year on average to protect themselves against allergies (for example, installation of pollen filters). Although one is „reliable cost estimate“ to the total costs due to the ambrosia allergy only based on an extensive „Studies on the occurrence of the plant and its spread“ possible. But the current survey results allow a projection of the data, which already shows, „that treatment costs for pollen allergy sufferers could increase by 10 to 25 percent“, reports the LMU. This would entail annual additional costs of approximately € 1,300 to € 2,100 per patient. Oliver Gebhardt from the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research in Leipzig explained that it was „almost impossible to calculate the costs that are due to a specific allergen“, but the current study show, „which dimension the problem can get - especially because ragweed blooms so late and is favored by climate change in its spread.“

Hay fever can turn into asthma at worst
For people with pollen allergy and hay fever, increased ambrosia spread is a significant additional burden. They are increasingly suffering from the typical symptoms of hayfever, such as runny nose, sneezing attacks, tearing and itching eyes, respiratory irritation and chronic tiredness. In the worst case, the pollen allergy can also develop into asthma. In the field of natural healing, a wide variety of methods are used for treatment, from acupuncture through hypnosis, self-blood therapy and intestinal rehabilitation to homeopathy. Conventional medical therapy usually involves the administration of antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids (cortisone). There are also eye drops and nasal sprays to alleviate the symptoms. A treatment option that addresses the causes of the symptoms and with which the allergy can possibly be completely overcome, is the hyposensitization. By regularly administering low doses of the allergens, the immune system should get used to the substances and the allergic reaction should be switched off. The process is still controversial. (Fp)

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Image: Oliver Haja