Ginger tea for colds Such preparation variants are wrong

Ginger tea for colds Such preparation variants are wrong / Health News

Effective remedy for colds: How ginger tea works more effectively

If you have caught a cold in the cold season, hardly anything works as well as a hot ginger tea. When making the drink but are often made small mistakes. We explain what to look for, so that the popular home remedy for cold symptoms even better.

Natural remedy for common cold

A runny nose, throat and headache: In the cold autumn and winter months you can catch a cold quickly. For adults, two to four flu infections a year are completely normal anyway. You do not necessarily have to resort to medication. There are also plenty of effective home remedies for the treatment of common cold. One of them is ginger tea. When preparing it, however, one should avoid some common mistakes.

Hardly a home remedy works so well against cold symptoms as hot ginger tea. However, the preparation of the drink often makes avoidable mistakes. (Image: Hetizia /

Prevent infections

In Germany, ginger is mainly known as an ingredient for pumpkin soup, as part of various Thai curries, in the inlaid version of sushi and in tea or smoothie.

The root with the fruity-spicy note is not only delicious, but also extremely healthy. In Asia, the "wonder tuber" has been used for millennia to treat many diseases.

Ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the essential oils and pungent substances strengthen the immune system and warm it from the inside.

Avoid common mistakes

Even if you have caught an infection, the tuber can help. For example, ginger tea is a popular home remedy for colds. In the preparation, however, mistakes are often made.

According to health experts, the ginger tuber should be cut into thin slices just before boiling. Otherwise valuable ingredients are lost.

This is also the reason why ginger should not be peeled. After all, the whole tuber is healthy, even the shell.

The infusion temperature should - unlike, for example, green or black tea - be boiling. The boiling water can therefore be filled directly into the cup or jug. After five minutes of brewing, the tea is perfect.

Then you can remove the ginger pieces and season to taste with lemon and honey.

Experts advise the organic variant, as it is less contaminated with chemicals.

Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic

Ginger is not just just the thing for snuffing noses. The tuber has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. This is partly also scientifically proven.

For example, US scientists at the University of Georgia have found that the tuber is effective against muscle pain after excessive exercise.

In addition, researchers from the University of Miami in a study have demonstrated an analgesic effect on osteoarthritis.

It showed that in a large part of the patients knee pain could be reduced in a six-week treatment with ginger extracts.

Already in medieval Europe, Hildegard von Bingen and Paracelsus knew him and used him for gastrointestinal complaints.

Modern studies confirm this application, as well as the effectiveness of the accompanying with nausea and vomiting and dizziness motion sickness.

Not all can stand the sharpness

In natural medicine, ginger has also been used for a long time against high blood lipid levels.

The tuber is also popular as a home remedy for fullness. It works with digestive problems, diarrhea, loss of appetite and many other complaints.

Furthermore, ginger is rich in vitamins and minerals and can help you lose weight.

However, people with a sensitive stomach could get problems with larger quantities, not everyone can stand the sharpness. Patients should consult their doctor if necessary. (Ad)