Ginger lowers, according to the study, the blood sugar level

Ginger lowers, according to the study, the blood sugar level / Health News

Ginger extracts regulate blood sugar and lower the risk of complications of type II diabetes


The traditional medicine ginger of traditional Chinese medicine can apparently regulate a high blood sugar back down and thereby prevent serious health consequences in diabetes type II patients. Australian researchers from the University of Sydney found this out in the course of an extensive study.

Sustainable lowering of blood sugar levels
Obviously, regular intake of ginger extracts can sustainably lower blood sugar levels. Study leader Basil Roufogalis, a professor of pharmaceutical drugs, and colleagues found that extracted extracts of the Asian medicinal plant support the uptake of glucose into muscle cells regardless of insulin delivery. "This could be used to control high blood sugar levels that cause complications, especially in long-term diabetes patients. In addition, cells could work independently of insulin delivery, "said Professor Roufogalis. "The components responsible for this increased glucose uptake capacity are called gingerols, which are the largest group of phenolic substances in the ginger root," the researcher emphasized.

In the course of the research work, the scientists extracted whole roots of the ginger plant from the Australian region around Buderim. The research team noted that only specific parts of the root can effectively increase the uptake of glucose into muscle cells. In the lab, the experts examined Dr. Colin Duke and dr. Van Tran from the University's Faculty of Pharmaceuticals extracts. It turned out that the extracts have "a high proportion of gingerols". This would especially affect the 6- and 8-gingerols.

Gingerols affect glucose uptake
In addition, the scientists investigated how gingerols affect glucose uptake. It showed an "increase in the surface distribution of the protein GLUT4". If the special protein settles on the surface of the muscle cells, the glucose transport into the cells is made possible. "In type 2 diabetic patients, skeletal muscle gastric acuity is significantly reduced due to impaired insulin signaling and GLUT4 protein inactivity. We therefore hope that these promising research results on the regulation of blood sugar levels in clinical trials will be further investigated, "said Professor Roufogalis.

The research results were published in early August in the journal "Planta Medica". For years, the researchers looked for ways to regulate blood sugar levels. Ginger now showed corresponding positive effects. In patients with type 2 diabetes, muscle uptake is reduced by impaired insulin signaling. However, further studies have yet to follow.

Ginger in natural medicine
In natural medicine extracts of ginger against bacteria, fungi, parasites and worms are used. In addition, some studies also showed the lowering of cholesterol levels and anti-inflammatory effects. In Asian healing ginger is also used for stomach ulcers. Some research also found a promotion of bile flow. Clinical studies showed an effectiveness against nausea and vomiting as well as alleviation of the complaints of the so-called motion sickness. The article has been updated. (Sb)

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