Infections due to water vapor? Man in Bremen dies of Legionella

Infections due to water vapor? Man in Bremen dies of Legionella / Health News
Alarm in Bremen: man dies by Legionella
In Bremen there is currently a Legionella alarm. As reported by the Senate Press Office, 17 cases have been reported since 17 February, one patient died as a result of bacterial pneumonia. It is now believed that the cause could be a recooling system that releases Legionella into the environment in water vapor.
Already seventeen cases since mid-February
Since 17 February numerous cases of severe legionella diseases have occurred in Bremen. To date (Friday, March 4, 2016), according to a statement by the Senator for Science, Health and Consumer Protection, Prof. Dr. med. Eva Quante-Brandt (SPD), 17 cases have been reported. An 84-year-old patient had died of pneumonia caused by the Legionella. The other patients would be hospitalized in hospital, some even in the intensive care unit and in mortal danger, according to the head of the health department, Monika Lelgemann, to the news agency "dpa".

Legionella alarm in Bremen proclaimed. Image: psdesign1 - fotolia

Identification of industrial large-scale air conditioning systems is difficult
According to the Senate's announcement, all cases had occurred in western Bremen. Because of this circumstance, the Health Department and Trade Inspectorate now suspect that a so-called "recooling" could be the trigger for the Legionella outbreak. These are systems in which the cooling is done by evaporation of water, with water vapor is released to the environment. However, it would be extremely difficult to identify such facilities, "because they are not subject to approval or notifiable under the law on emission protection", informs the senator. Aerial photographs would, however, currently help detect such wet cooling systems on roofs, and companies would continue to be contacted over the phone, informing chambers and associations.

Infection by drinking water is not possible
"It is important that these facilities are now disinfected as a precautionary measure," the senator called on the operators. Indications of an alternative cause are not recognizable from the point of view of the experts of the health department. Thus, domestic drinking water samples on Legionella were negative in all patients. Similarly, surveys of the patients had no similarities in terms of visits to specific swimming pools, sows, etc. revealed.

Already in November of last year there was an accumulation of severe legionella diseases in Bremen with a total of 19 affected persons. Even then, an 84-year-old man died as a result. Despite intensive investigations, the cause of the outbreak could not be clarified - but in the current cases, a strain of the pathogen has been identified, which had already occurred at the end of 2015, the Senate announced.

Human-to-human transmission is unknown Legionella are globally spread and heat-loving bacteria found in fresh water. At present, almost 50 species are known to multiply best at temperatures between 30 ° C and 45 ° C and are transmitted through atomised, atomised water. However, an infection occurs only when inhaled with legionella contaminated water vapor (aerosols). Possible sources of infection are therefore e.g. Showers, humidifiers, waterfalls in swimming pools, whirlpools or air conditioners. According to the Senator for Science, Health and Consumer Protection, transmission of Legionella disease from human to human is not known. Also, drinking water can be safely consumed, "as an infection on the gastrointestinal tract does not occur," the message continues.

Legionella can cause severe form of pneumonia If it still leads to an infection, it may remain asymptomatic, but also flu-like symptoms or in case of emergency, the so-called "legionnaires' disease" (med. "Legionella pneumonia") trigger. This is a severe form of pneumonia characterized by rapid chest and headaches, coughing, chills and high fever. In addition to dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting may occur. Legionella pneumonia often takes a severe course and usually takes several weeks to completely heal. According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), the disease can be fatal in about one in ten affected people. (No)