Infections by the sun and air conditioners favors

Infections by the sun and air conditioners favors / Health News

Increased risk of infection from air conditioners and sunbathing


Colds and flu infections are generally associated with the cold season, but in summer the risk of viral infections should not be underestimated. Sunbathing and air conditioning make the organism more susceptible to the so-called summer flu, warns in this context, the Federal Association of German internists (BDI).

The sunbathing and the air of the air conditioning systems, the mucous membranes are increasingly dried out and thus lose their defense function, reports the news agency „dpa“ citing the experts of the Federal Association of German internists. On the dried up mucous membranes „then put on the viruses“, explained Peter Walger, Senior Physician at the Medical University Clinic Bonn and member of the BDI. In view of the rampant cold infections in the German national team at the World Cup in Brazil, the BDI expert said that they are hardly surprising in view of the enormous physical stress, combined with the extreme temperature drops between air-conditioned rooms and outdoor air.

Drying of the mucous membranes increases the risk of infection
Sufficiently moisturized mucous membranes are generally a major factor in the defense against pathogens. Since there is a large number of viruses circulating even in the summer months, dehydration of the mucous membranes due to pronounced sunbathing and air conditioning systems can lead to increased infections here. „Every virus has its own ecology“, quotes the „dpa“ Bonn infectologist Walger. Thus, the different influenza viruses would multiply particularly strong at different temperatures. Even in warm regions of the world or in the summer months, therefore, the risk of flu infection (influenza) should not be underestimated.

Drink a lot, avoid drafts and air conditioners
The viruses enter either by droplets in the air (droplet infection) or by direct contact with contaminated objects such as door handles or telephone receiver (smear infection) in the organism. Dried out mucous membranes provide a particularly sensitive gateway. According to the expert, a lot of drinking is required to adequately moisturize and bleed it. In addition, drafts and the air of air conditioning should be avoided as far as possible. If the viruses have already entered the body and have caused a corresponding infection, medications and home remedies help against the typical symptoms such as sore throat, headache, body aches and fever. Gargling and the use of nose drops are also recommended, according to the BDI expert. (Fp)