Infarction Apple Watch apparently rescued patients' lives

Infarction Apple Watch apparently rescued patients' lives / Health News
Apple Watch saved Canadian man's life
The digitization that comes with the more modern world is often viewed critically. A case from Canada shows that it can also be associated with enormous benefits for each individual. An elderly man survived a heart attack there because he noticed that something was wrong with the unusual heart rate displayed by his Apple Watch.

Apple Watch showed exceptionally high pulse
The increasingly intense trend of digital self-monitoring is viewed very critically by many people. But the various apps and gadgets also bring great benefits. One of those who benefited most was Dennis Anselmo, a 62-year-old contractor from Canada. The man from Alberta recognized by the pulse measurement function of his Apple Watch that his heart rate was exceptionally high. He immediately notified the emergency call. In the hospital, a heart attack was diagnosed, which might soon be followed by another. The hint of the little device on the wrist saved Anselmo's life.

A Canadian owes its life to an Apple Watch. The 62-year-old recognized a heart attack thanks to the pulse measurement function. (Image: one photo /

How to recognize a heart attack
The risk of dying from a heart attack is so high, among other things, because often too much time passes until the ambulance or emergency doctor is alerted. Health experts therefore repeatedly point out the importance of recognizing a heart attack. Signs that indicate include chest pain in the midst of the chest around the sternum radiating into the upper body. Patients often have sweats, upper abdominal pain and sweating and suffer from nausea and vomiting. The assumption that the pain in a heart attack always radiates in the left arm, according to the medical profession wrong.

Patient initially suspected flu
Even Dennis Anselmo from Alberta showed no serious symptoms. When he was working in the garden last August, suddenly there was nausea and discomfort. To the Canadian radio station CBC he said: "I felt kind of weird. I was cold and hot at the same time. I was shaking. "The 62-year-old considered the symptoms to be signs of flu. But when he looked at his Apple Watch, he noticed that his pulse was at 210 beats per minute. "My normal heart rate is 49 to 55 beats per minute," says Anselmo. In the ambulance medical devices determined the pulse with 207. In the clinic a heart attack was diagnosed.

Watch purchased at the right time
As the doctors told him, it was likely that a few hours later a second fatal heart attack would have followed. According to the information, the coronary artery was already blocked to 70 percent. The patient was immediately given a stent. The smartwatch, which the watch collector had recently bought, has apparently saved his life. "I bought the watch two weeks before the heart attack, it was the right time," said the Canadian. The story was only public when Anselmo talked about changing his bracelet with an Apple Store employee, whereupon some media reported to him.

A smartwatch is not a medical device
Despite the life-saving function that the clock has performed for the Canadians, it should be noted that they do not blindly trust such devices or programs. In case of doubt, a doctor must always be consulted or an ambulance be alerted. Health experts warn against self-diagnoses based on data obtained through gadgets. Depending on the model and the carrier, very different values ​​can be measured. However, if applied correctly, they can nonetheless make an important contribution to health promotion. Therefore, the purchase of Apple Watch and Co is also financially supported by various health insurance companies. (Ad)