Industriereiniger increases Parkinson's risk

Industriereiniger increases Parkinson's risk / Health News

Parkinson's Institute Sunnyvale: Industry cleaners can increase the risk of Parkinson's disease by a factor of five: According to a recent study by the Californian Parkinson Institute, industrial cleaners can drastically increase the risk of the brain disease "Parkinson's disease". Very often the substance trichloroethene (TCE) is used in industrial cleaners. The scientists came to the conclusion from a study that the material TCE most probably increases the Parkinson's risk five-fold.

Trichlorethylene was classified by the Commission of the German Research Foundation (DFG) as a conditionally carcinogenic and germ cell mutagen and must therefore be labeled as toxic. Trichlorethylene has strong fatliquoring properties and has been one of the most common cleaning and degreasing agents because of its volatility and non-flammability. Its use there has been massively restricted for environmental reasons.
It has been known to date that acute poisoning can lead to brain damage.

The researchers at the Parkinson's Institute examined 99 pairs of twins. One twin each suffered from a brain disease. Contact with the substance TCE increased the risk by a factor of 5.5. However, the entire study will be presented in April of this year at a US conference of the Neurologists Association AAN. Parkinson's or Parkinson's is a slowly progressive neurological disease. It is one of the degenerative diseases. The disease begins at first creeping and then progresses the whole life. In most cases, older people from the age of 60 fall ill with Parkinson's.

Mechanic, locksmith, electrician and dry cleaning employee come into contact with industrial cleaners. The results of the study are extremely important for the occupational groups in order to be able to exclude risk factors in the future, which has long been demanded by representatives of natural medicine.
(sb, 05.02.2010)