Impfkritik How useful are vaccinations?

Impfkritik How useful are vaccinations? / Health News

Vaccination in children should be well considered: dr. Holger Berges on Impregnisiken in children


At times, the vaccination debate in Germany is very emotional and mostly rational. In the opinion of the vaccination critics, the influence on politics and media on the part of the pharmaceutical industry seems to be great. Some vaccine critics point out that because of this they are barely perceived by the general public and often portrayed as untrustworthy. Good marketing and increased lobbying, which reaches far into politics, usually only allows the arguments of the proponents of blanket vaccinations to be expressed. The critics have little room in the media world. And if, then only as a side note.

The target set by the World Health Organization (WHO) to eradicate measles and rubella in Europe by 2010 was not achieved due to the lack of vaccine readiness and therefore postponed to 2015, said Ole Wichmann from the Robert Koch Institute. At the same time, the RKI criticized the fact that vaccinations were also critically eyed by numerous doctors. It is still not vaccinated enough against hepatitis B, whooping cough (pertussis), measles, mumps and rubella, said the RKI president.

The specialist in general medicine, Dr. med. med. Holger Berges, explained from his point of view, why parents should consider carefully, their children numerous vaccinations to subject. For vaccine critics refer in this context again and again to the numerous dangers and side effects of vaccinations. A new breeding ground for this criticism may well have been the organized mass panic in the name of the swine flu. The WHO launched a worldwide pandemic in 2009/2010 for the H1N1 flu virus. People should get vaccinated against the virus. The pandemic is, as we know today, almost non-existent and the course of the disease was essentially similar to that of a normal flu epidemic. However, the pharmaceutical industry was still able to make large profits, because governments of many countries bought the vaccine stocks almost empty and then remained on the inoculants, because the swine flu was less dangerous than propagated. In the opinion of the vaccine critics, the influence of the pharmaceutical lobby was right up to the top of the WHO. Now watch a film by Dr. Holger Berges:

Read about vaccinations:
Vaccination: Children are vaccinated too little?
Sleeping sickness by swine flu vaccine
Immune to flu after swine flu infection?
Swine flu is back: RKI recommends vaccination
Swine flu is no reason to panic
Facts about the swine flu