Vaccination Commission changes recommendations for flu protection

Vaccination Commission changes recommendations for flu protection / Health News

Updated influenza vaccination recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission

The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is updating its current influenza vaccination recommendation. The experts are now advocating a vaccine to protect against four flu virus variants.

Protection against infection

Every year, thousands of Germans get influenza (influenza). In order to protect yourself from an infection, it is generally useful to strengthen the immune system, keep away from patients and regularly wash their hands. The flu vaccine recommended by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is also particularly recommended for people with an increased risk of severe disease. The STIKO has now updated its previous vaccination recommendation.

The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is changing its previous flu vaccination recommendation. The experts are now in favor of a quadruple vaccine. (Image: miss_mafalda /

Statutory insured persons currently receive a triple vaccine

"The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) specifies its influenza vaccination recommendation and recommends a quadrivalent influenza vaccine for the seasonal influenza vaccine with the current combination of antigens recommended by the World Health Organization," says a statement from the RKI.

The vaccine should therefore protect against four virus variants. The panel of experts decided on the change in mid-November. Statutory health insurance companies have so far generally received a cheaper triple vaccine.

However, the update will probably only have consequences in the coming flu season.

Because: "The STIKO recommendation applies from the publication of the corresponding scientific justification in Epidemiological Bulletin 02/2018", write the experts.

And: "To change the recommendation of the STIKO, the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) will decide within 3 months after its entry into force."

According to the decision, "whether this type of vaccine recommended for influenza vaccination is included as a compulsory medical service in the vaccination directive" is dependent on this decision.

Then it is clear that the quadruple vaccine will be cash.

Vaccination recommendation for risk groups

It is said that the recommendation applies to all people for whom STIKO recommends seasonal influenza vaccination. These are mainly people over 60 years, chronically ill and pregnant women.

Even persons with increased health risks from an existing illness, for example chronic diseases of the respiratory organs, metabolic diseases, liver, kidney, heart or circulatory diseases, are among the risk groups for which vaccination is recommended.

In addition, people with an immune deficiency, HIV infection and people who have a high risk of infection through exposure to many people should consider vaccination.

Patients suffering from an acute infection or febrile illness should not be vaccinated until they have recovered.

Whether a flu vaccine makes sense, but ultimately everyone must decide for themselves. (Ad)