Fewer and fewer organ donors

Number of organ donors decreased by 16.3 percent in 2013
Fewer and fewer people are willing to donate their organs. This result is evident from the preliminary figures of the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO). Thus, in 2013, the number of donors fell from 1046 to 876 people, which is the lowest level since the introduction of the Transplantation Act (TPG) in 1997. A big problem, because in Germany about 11,000 seriously ill people hope for a donor organ.
Nationwide only 10.9 donors per million inhabitants
The number of organ donors has reached a new low last year. As reported by the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation (DSO), in 2013 there were only 876 registered organ donors nationwide, which corresponds to an average of 10.9 donors per million inhabitants - in the previous year there were at least 1,046 donors (12.8 donors per one million inhabitants). This was a drop in donors by 16.3 percent recorded. However, according to the DSO, the number of donated organs is due to multiple donations „just“ fell by 13.6 percent from 3,511 in 2012 to 3,034 in 2013.
„We view this development with great concern“
„Unfortunately, organ donation numbers continued to decline in the past year. We view this development with great concern“, said the Chief Officer for Restructuring of the DSO, Dr. Ing. jur. Rainer Hess. The drop in donors was regional, but also varied over the course of the year, reports DSO. According to this, there were fewer than 60 donations in August and November 2013 instead of the average of 100 donations in recent years. In addition, there were areas in which the loss of donors became particularly clear: „The decline in organ donation numbers extends across all DSO regions, with 9.7 percent being lowest in the North-East region and highest in Bavaria at 23.9 percent“, so Dr. Keep going.
Organ donation scandals responsible for donor decline?
According to the DSO, the cause of the donor decline could possibly have become known in recent years „Organ donation scandals“ that have led to great insecurity among many people. Besides that, according to Dr. Hess also the clinics in their work to be strengthened: „Our job is to professionally support the hospitals, especially the transplant officers. Only together can we regain the trust that the organ donation deserves.“
Almost 11,000 seriously ill people hope for a donor organ
To the „shattering balance sheet“ to counteract, according to Dr. Therefore, education and transparency were particularly important, because only in these ways can people be taken away from their insecurity. For the DSO is an important concern, because according to information from the Foundation currently waiting almost 11,000 seriously ill people full of hope for a potentially life-saving donor organ. For the adherence and the correct procedure of all steps in the process of the donation is responsible according to Hess the DSO: „No patient in Germany has to worry about being given up early by the doctors because of organ donation“, the lawyer continues.
Organ donation should be considered „overall social task“ to be viewed as
According to the DSO, the commercial board of the foundation, Thomas Biet, hopes for a change in the way in which the organ donation is handled „overall social task“ considered donors and their loved ones with appreciation. According to the DSO, it is already a big step, „if every German citizen deals with the issue of organ donation without prejudice and makes a decision.“ (No)
Picture: Günther Richter