More and more infections with rotaviruses

More and more infections with rotaviruses / Health News

In Düsseldorf, infections with rotaviruses are on the rise


In Düsseldorf, 274 people were infected with rotaviruses in 2013. This is an increase of 39 percent compared to the previous year, according to the recently published yearbook of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for notifiable diseases. Thus, rotavirus infections in infants and young children are the most common cause of acute and dangerous gastrointestinal infections.

Rotavirus infections are particularly dangerous for infants
Red viruses cause severe gastrointestinal infections, which are usually associated with severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and fever. Especially in babies and toddlers aged six months to two years, the infections are dangerous because their body can dry out quickly and get into a life-threatening condition. The infection with the rotaviruses takes place „mainly by fecal-oral smear infection, but also by contaminated water and contaminated food“, informs the RKI in its report. „The main source of infection is the human.“

The RKI Standing Vaccination Commission therefore recommends the rotavirus vaccine for infants available in Europe since 2006. From the age of six weeks, a general oral rotavirus vaccine can be given. Many health insurance companies support this recommendation. „Studies have shown that the vaccine protects 96 to 98 percent from severe courses of rotavirus infection, "said Harald Netz, spokesman for the Techniker Krankenkasse in North Rhine-Westphalia, parents can talk to their pediatrician about the benefits and risks of vaccination against The vaccine is considered a precautionary measure, the costs of which are covered by the statutory health insurance.

Image: Sebastian Karkus