More and more impotent men

More and more impotent men / Health News

In Germany, more and more men suffer from impotence

More and more men are impotent in Germany. In addition to psychological causes, unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking and alcohol consumption play an important role, as revealed by an evaluation of the health insurance KKH-Allianz.

The number of impotent men has steadily increased in Germany in recent years. For many men mental health plays a serious role. The KKH alliance evaluated the data of the years 2006 and 2009 in their investigation. These were anonymized data of those insured who went into treatment because of impotence. Compared to 2006, the number of those affected increased by 13 percent per 100,000 policyholders. Last year, the fund registered just under 19,000 men who suffered from impotence. According to the KKH are disorders of erection to 90 percent mental nature. In just under nine out of ten men, no organic disorders were detected medically. However, smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol played a major role, as they said.

Sexual disorders in women are declining
The study showed that only a small percentage of male patients had an organic disorder or serious illness. Sexual disorders in women, however, are declining. Here, the proportion of women affected fell by 15 percent between 2006 and 2009. Around 7,300 women insured with the KKH alliance suffered from sexual dysfunction. In addition, around 29,000 women and men were treated on an outpatient basis for sexual dysfunction or impotence in the last year. That accounts for 25 percent of female patients. At the box office, however, it is believed that the number of unreported cases is much higher, many men and women shy away from going to the doctor.

Avoid stress and seek relaxation
Especially stress is responsible for a sexual aversion or inability. To mitigate stress, it is important to reduce stress factors and seek relaxation. Most of them complain about stress, especially at work or in school / education. To reduce stress, different methods have proven successful. For many, it is enough to move more, to do sport as compensation or even to take a break. Those who experience less stress can also relax physically better. (sb, 04.11.2010)

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