Illegally disposed toxic waste in the landfill?

Illegally disposed toxic waste in the landfill? / Health News

Illegally disposed toxic waste at the landfill in the Bavarian town of Dorfen


The disposal of toxic waste and other pollutants is generally a sensitive issue. Failure to comply with legal requirements can easily result in massive health risks for the population. In Bavaria, the apparently illegal disposal of carcinogenic construction waste is currently causing quite a stir. A Kraillinger disposal company is suspected of having dumped the toxic debris for profit for years on non-designated landfills.

Part of the carcinogenic construction waste landed on a landfill in the Bavarian town of Dorfen. Current measurement results of a landfill in Mühldorf make it clear that the permissible limit values ​​have been significantly exceeded and that the building rubble should not have landed in landfills. Although the landfill in Dorfen is basically also suitable for accepting contaminated waste, but not for such exceeding of the intended limit values, reports a spokesman for the Erdinger District Office. This material does not belong there, explained the authorities. However, there is no acute danger to the population. Also from an entry in the groundwater is not to be expected.

33 landfills with contaminated building rubble and gravel delivered
The scandal over the supposedly illegal disposal of contaminated material by the disposal company Technosan is currently causing considerable waves in Bavaria. After the Landratsamt Altötting had received information about the machinations of the company, the competent authorities identified 33 facilities throughout Bavaria, which were supplied with contaminated material. This included a gravel plant in Dorfen. The landfill operator was deceived by the waste disposal company apparently for years with respect to the dangerous nature of the rubble, so the investigation of the police department Upper Bavaria South in Rosenheim. The landfill operator was shocked and shocked by media over the now uncovered operations.

special Commission „disposal“ determined
On 28 November, the Erdinger district office also received information about the machinations of the waste management company and has been investigating the suspicious cases ever since. Technosan has been given a deadline to explain how the illegal toxic waste should be disposed of. In Dorfen this is merely „a minimum amount“, which the company has unloaded there, but this must be gone quickly, explained the landfill operator. However, he could not name an appointment for the removal. When the time comes, the action will of course be monitored by the district office and accompanied by measurements. Further clarification on the circumstances of the illegal disposal by the company Technosan will hopefully the specially established special commission „disposal“ to the police headquarters Oberbayern-Süd. However, this is still relatively in the beginning with its investigations and will first take a closer look at all affected landfills.

Enormous profits through illegal disposal
Actually Technosan should have processed the polluted building rubble and gravel and dispose of it properly. But the contaminated material was apparently not sufficiently detoxified by the company, but instead simply wrongly awarded and so delivered against significantly lower fees at the landfills. The latter sometimes did not even have the authority to accept such incriminating material. Through this improper disposal, the company could generate enormous profits, so the previous investigation. Fraud and environmental infringement procedures have been initiated against the management of the waste management company. The process in Bavaria, however, is by no means an isolated case, because again and again windy businessmen tried in the past to supplement their own income with the illegal disposal of toxic waste or contaminated material. In the rarest cases, such cases reach the public. So it is all the more important that this is done with all severity of the law against the illegal machinations. (Fp)

Picture: Peter von Bechen