Hypnosis prolongs deep sleep

Hypnosis prolongs deep sleep / Health News


Deep sleep promotes our well-being, improves our memory and strengthens our defenses. Researchers have now shown how deep sleep can be prolonged even without medication - namely with hypnosis.

Deep sleep has a positive health impact on, for example, the memory and function of the immune system; In the deep sleep phases, growth hormones are released, which stimulate the repair of cells and stimulate the immune system. Sleep researchers have now shown that hypnosis positively affects the quality of sleep, and to a surprising extent.

Due to the brain waves close to sleep quality
The scientists wanted to know if an objectively measurable change in sleep can be achieved through hypnotherapy.
For this you measured the electrical activity of the brain with the electroencephalogram (EEG).

The study involved 70 healthy young women who came to the sleep lab for a 90-minute nap. Before falling asleep, they either heard a special 13-minute deep sleep hypnosis or a neutral spoken text.

80 percent higher deep sleep percentage
The sleep researchers were able to prove in their study that well hypnotizable women after listening to deep sleep hypnosis compared to sleep after hearing the neutral text had an increased by 80 percent deep sleep. (Source) (pm)