Hypnosis - cure or only placebo effects?

Hypnosis - cure or only placebo effects? / Health News
Hypnosis means to kidnap a person into a "different world" so that he solves problems and heals illnesses with his imagination. The more intensively a person delves into his life questions in this imaginary world, the more he will implement the alternative experiences in the real world.

Shamanism and midwives
Traditional shamans, midwives, doctors and psychotherapists use a variety of techniques to help patients into hypnosis. However, this does not always work: 10% of all people are considered hypnotizable.

Hypnosis is not magic, it is brain work. (Agawa288 / fotolia.com)

Who offers hypnosis?
Dentists, surgeons and emergency physicians, speech therapists and naturopaths organize themselves in hypnosis associations. They complete a several-month training. However, hypnosis is not a protected term.

Not everyday reality
Hypnosis changes the consciousness. The human dives into his unconscious and separates there feelings of pain and anxiety, in which he concentrates for example on a Caribbean beach. The victims hide negative stimuli. High sensitivity helps to get into this state quickly.

Hypnosis is safe?
Hypnosis sometimes has side effects. Bad dreams, headaches or confusion can be the result. Even psychoses or manic states are possible, as is the return of traumatic experiences.

That's because hypnosis works. Those who deal with their unconscious encounter unresolved conflicts and fears. The goal of hypnosis is to solve them, but that does not work at the touch of a button. That's why a professional therapist who can handle those blatant impressions is indispensable.

Hypnosis in medicine
Hypnosis means to make suggestion work. Suggestions are inseparable from the physical senses and influence the bodily functions. When we are scared, we sweat, we freeze, our muscles tighten, and our neurotransmitters are in full swing. Suggestions influence circulation, digestion, skin changes, lung functions, the immune system and wound healing. In chronic diseases, hypnosis helps to endure the condition.

Hypnosis as anesthesia
70% of all adults have fears with the dentist. Most dentists use hypnosis, usually without the patient knowing. Talking to those affected about the last vacation or how beautiful the flowers are in the garden is already leading to the "other reality".

Serious therapies
Since hypnosis is not a protected term, "hypnosis therapy" is also found as magic thinking in the esoteric market. Who wants to do a hypnosis therapy, should pay attention to the following: Has the therapist a relevant training as a specialist, psychologist, licensed psychotherapist or licensed child and adolescent therapist?

Dr. Stefan Juncker writes on hypnose.de: "Just as a bank clerk can not just decide to train himself in a special technique of oral surgery, one should not practice a psychologically effective method such as hypnosis unless one has the appropriate occupational Basis. "

Serious information offers the website http://www.hypnose.de/. In Germany, the contact points are the Milton Erickson Society (MEG), the German Society for Hypnosis (DGH), the German Society for Dental Hypnosis (DGZH) and the German Society for Medical Hypnosis and Autogenic Training (DGÄHAT)..

brain research
Brain research found that our brain is changeable. Who under hypnosis uses his brain differently, who thinks differently and directs his feelings differently, whose brain changes the structure of this thinking and feeling.

self hypnosis
Conspiracy theory believes in dark forces that hypnotize us. No human being can be forced to do so. Instead, hypnosis activates us to focus on our inner pictures. It is therefore a self-suggestion in which the therapist merely provides the framework and leads those affected on the way.

That's why hypnosis can be used on its own, preferably if a therapist has already accompanied us. Reputable hypnosis physicians therefore empower those affected to self-healing and do not act as "magicians" who work mysterious spells.

Hypnosis is not a mystery, but in cans we practice them every day: When we sit in a boring seminar and dream into a great party, when in the entrance of the garbage is stacked and we remember flower smell, or if we have a toothache and immerse ourselves in a novel.

Pay the cash register?
The statutory health insurance pay hypnotherapy only exceptionally and on application. Private funds regulate the payment differently (Dr Utz Anhalt)