Hypnosis The main role is determined by the patient

Hypnosis The main role is determined by the patient / Health News

Hypnosis: The main role is played by the patient


Modern science first saw hypnosis as a phenomenon over two centuries ago. The treatment itself is one of the oldest treatment methods. Step by step, this technique of suggestion finds its way into conventional medicine. From 6 to 8 September, the annual meeting of the German Society for Autosystem Hypnosis will take place in Mainz, where about 140 physicians will participate.

For the Chairman of the German Society for Autosystem Hypnosis, Götz Renatz, there is no doubt that with the help of hypnosis, bleeding could be stopped and healing processes could be accelerated. Many people are rather skeptical about this treatment method. „They see in hypnosis a loss of control and are afraid. The unconscious then takes over and lets one jump over the stage like the show hypnotist as a frog“, explains the expert. In medicine, hypnosis is used as a supportive method, for example in stress management or pain management. It can also be used as a bleeding control in small and medium operations. In the context of hypnosis patients are verbal instructions, so-called suggestions, given, which are to act directly on the unconscious.

„ For example, the dentist pulls a tooth and can stop the subsequent bleeding with the help of hypnosis. Why the brain in this trance-like state is able to take such an influence on the body is unclear. One thing is for sure: it works. Renartz himself has the effect of this treatment on his own body.

„My dentist once told me: Do you see the lever? Me: Mmh, I see him. He: And now pull! Then I pulled like crazy and the bleeding was over. Another option is to tell the patient: Stop the bleeding at the back right now! And if the suggestion is accepted, the bleeding stops at the moment. No one knows how this works, but it works. Also in the period after the operation“

But also a strengthening of the immune system, which has an accelerated wound healing and less pain, can be suggested by means of hypnosis.

Prerequisite for a functioning hypnosis
When the unconscious plays along, the hypnosis works - if not, then not. An experienced hypnotist can easily switch off the consciousness. He knows the mechanisms of the human psyche.

Mistrust and skepticism about this technique is common among medical professionals. „Some doctors say: That's all hocus-pocus. How do I know that the patient really experiences what he tells me in hypnosis?“ , tells the hypnosis expert. One reason for this could be that the doctor acts on the process rather secondarily, the patent takes over the main role. As a doctor you have to have a good self-confidence. (Fr)