Dog owner and dog to protect from ticks

Dog owners spend a lot of time in nature with their protégés. Together they wander through forests, meadows and fields in wind and weather. Once at home, there is sometimes an unwanted souvenir, which has sucked on the dog or people - a tick. The Hamburg dog trainer Monica Pertzsch knows the problem and therefore takes both for herself and her dog various precautionary measures, because ticks can transmit pathogens.
Making dogs and humans a team that trusts each other - that's what makes Monica Pertzsch so appealing. Rather by accident, the Hamburg woman came to this activity. Years ago, she got herself a dog from the shelter who showed conspicuous behaviors. To find the causes, she visited various dog schools. Due to her increased interest in the topic, Martin Rütter, the dog trainer known through television broadcasts and guidebooks, even recommended her to learn this profession. Today, she not only spends a lot of time in nature with her own four-legged friend, but also with strangers. Her everyday life sometimes includes encounters with eight-legged animals - the ticks. Therefore, Monica Pertzsch focuses on precautionary measures.

Ticks are almost everywhere
In contrast to a widespread myth that the animals fall from trees, ticks are mostly found near the ground. They do not care if it's the undergrowth in the woods, blades of grass in a meadow or shrubs in parks or gardens. Adult ticks can also climb up to 1.5 meters high, but they are usually found at hip and knee height. Therefore, even with the daily walk with the dog at risk of being bitten by ticks.
Ticks can transmit pathogens
Ticks in themselves are harmless to humans and animals, but because they can transmit various pathogens, one should avoid tick bites. These pathogens include the tick-borne meningoencephalitis (TBE) virus. This virus can be transmitted immediately at the sting and trigger diseases of the meninges and the central nervous system. Some sufferers have serious health consequences. The TBE is not causally treatable, only the symptoms can be relieved with medication. However, several measures can help prevent tick bites in advance.
Precautionary measures in humans
Monica Pertzsch also uses various precautionary measures to prevent tick bites. "I never go through tall grass," she clarifies, "and always wear appropriate clothing." It is advisable to choose firm footwear, as well as long and light clothes. Ticks, on the one hand, make access to the skin more difficult, and on the other, the small animals are quickly visible on bright fabrics and can be removed before they stab. It can also help to pull the socks over the pants. In addition, insect repellent sprays, called repellents, can keep the ticks at bay. In addition, Monica Pertzsch looks for her body after each stay in nature. In the end, vaccination protection can also help prevent TBE after a tick bite.
Even dogs can become victims of ticks
As dogs are closer to grass and undergrowth, they are also more likely to be ticks. In addition, the Brown Dog Ticks, originally from Africa and southern Europe, are now more common in local latitudes. This type of parasite prefers as a host - as the name implies - especially our four-legged friends. For the four-legged friends, the encounter with ticks dangerous diseases, such as the babesiosis (called dog malaria) and also the anaplasmosis, the result. But also Lyme disease and TBE diseases are possible with pets. For dogs there is no vaccine against FSME, but against Lyme disease. This is recommended by the Standing Vaccination Commission for Animals (StIKo Vet) for all dogs that are at risk of infection. The basic immunization can start in puppies from the twelfth week.
Tick protection for the dog
In addition to taking precautionary measures for herself, Monica Pertzsch keeps an eye on her dog as well. The dog trainer relies on chemical preparations - on the one hand spot-on and on the other hand special collars. The contact antiparasitics kill the ticks as soon as they suck blood. If you share your house with an animal, you should also remember that dogs and cats can carry ticks with them into the house or ticks can crawl from the animal to the owner while they are playing or caressing without being aware of it. Therefore, dog owners should check their animals for ticks as thoroughly as they do themselves after each walk. So you can use the cuddle time to remove ticks before they can do any harm.