Human Medicine New organ discovered - mesentery misclassified for over 100 years

Human Medicine New organ discovered - mesentery misclassified for over 100 years / Health News
Researchers discover mesentery as a new organ
The anatomy of the human body is considered relatively well-researched today. Therefore, the discovery of a new organ by scientists from the University of Limerick in Ireland is all the more surprising. The research team led by Professor Calvin Coffey found in his research evidence that the so-called mesentery, which connects the intestines in the abdominal cavity with the abdominal wall, is to be evaluated as a separate organ.

So far, the mesentery was considered a fragmented structure of several individual parts that connects certain intestinal sections with the abdominal wall and beyond has little significance. On the basis of their many years of research, however, the Irish scientists conclude that it is actually an organ that has hitherto not been recognized as such. The researchers have published their evidence in the journal The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology.

The mesentery is to be evaluated according to recent findings of Irish researchers as an organ. (Photo: University of Limerick /

Mesenterium a continuous organ
"During the initial research, we noticed above all that the mesentery is a continuous organ. Until then, it was considered a fragmented structure, "says Prof. Coffey. A revolutionary discovery. Because that's the anatomical description that was valid for more than 100 years, has proved wrong, so Coffey in a press release from the University of Limerick. The scientists have already established a special teaching area for the mesentery here - the "Mesenteriologie". In the future, this will specifically investigate the functions, diseases and peculiarities of the mesentery.

Influence on various disease processes
According to Professor Coffey, ongoing research "increasingly demonstrates that the mesentery plays a crucial role in the control of metabolic, immunological and endocrine functions." The organ also influences disease processes such as diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease and peripheral vascular disease. The new consideration of mesentery could lead to significant improvements in the treatment of many diseases.

Improved therapy options
Based on the findings, new treatment approaches for diseases such as colorectal cancer or inflammatory bowel disease, including ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and diverticulosis arise, explain the scientists. New mechanisms of cancer development and progression have already been demonstrated. "We can now better offer personalized surgery for the exact stage of a patient's disease," the researchers emphasize.

Admission to the syllabus
The better understanding of the mesentery opens up new options for minimally invasive surgery, according to the researchers. For patients, this means they can recover faster and achieve a normal quality of life, resulting in savings in health care and socio-economic costs, the researchers explain. Already this year medical students around the world the mesentery is declared as a continuous organ and the research of Professor Coffey have also been included in one of the world's best-known medical textbooks - "Gray's Anatomy" - found the announcement of the University. (Fp)