Human Papillomaviruses Are Boys Also Dependent on HPV Vaccination?

Human Papillomaviruses Are Boys Also Dependent on HPV Vaccination? / Health News
Controversy over HPV vaccine: Is it also recommended for boys?
Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are pathogens that can cause inflammation and skin changes, but in the worst case can also cause cancer. Girls have long been recommended vaccination against the dangerous viruses. Experts argue about whether it is advisable for boys.

HP viruses can cause cervical cancer
Human papillomaviruses (HP viruses or HPV) are pathogens that usually enter the skin or mucosa through sexual intercourse. The viruses can also be transmitted by oral sex, as scientists reported a few months ago in the journal "JAMA Oncology". In most cases, an infection goes unnoticed and heals on its own. However, some of the viruses also persist, causing cell changes that can develop into a malignant tumor over time. Since HPV can trigger cervical cancer, among other things, the vaccine against the viruses in girls and young women is relatively common. According to some experts, it is also effective for boys. However, not everyone sees it that way.

Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are pathogens that cause, among other things, cervical cancer. Girls are recommended vaccination against the virus for some time. Experts are divided as to whether the HPV vaccine is advisable for boys. (Image: Africa Studio /

Intense debate about HPV vaccine
Meanwhile, an intensive debate on the HPV vaccine has been ignited by experts. The longtime chairman of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, Harald zur Hausen, has been campaigning for longer for the vaccination of both sexes. He is considered the spiritual father of the vaccine and received the Nobel Medal for his spectacular discovery in 2008. "I think it makes sense to vaccinate boys between 9 and 14 years before the onset of sexual activity," said the doctor, according to a message from the news agency dpa. The vaccine protects sexual partners from infecting each other.

Institute involved in sales proceeds of the vaccine
According to Hausen, although cancer screening is still recommended, it may be possible to extend the time between examinations in the future. "It has already been proven that the vaccine can prevent the development of precancerous lesions on the cervix." In addition, two of the three available vaccines also protected against genital warts. Nevertheless, in some regions of Germany only one in two girls is vaccinated. Nationwide, the vaccine recommended by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) is administered to about one third of the girls. Zur Hausen recently said in an interview with the DKFZ, which is involved as a co-patent holder in the sales proceeds of the vaccine: "A very sad result! The main reason for this is certainly that doctors, medical staff and health politicians, but also the children and their teachers and parents are not sufficiently informed about the very high efficacy and safety of the HPV vaccine. "

Critics complain high costs
Critics, however, the high costs are criticized. According to the agency message come in Germany currently for a complete HPV vaccine protection - there are several Pikser necessary - between 320 euros and 480 euros together. So far, the health insurance companies only cover the costs for girls. The Munich pediatrician Martin Hirte criticized instead: "The HPV vaccine causes immense costs for our health care system, which must be saved elsewhere, for example, the hospital staff." He sees a HPV vaccination recommendation for boys critically, because he benefits as low classifies. In addition, severe side effects may occur, such as chronic pain and circulatory insufficiency. According to Hausen, but come to about 100,000 vaccine doses only a violent allergic reaction.

Anal cancer in men who have sex with men has spread
Although it has been proven that human papillomaviruses cause damage to the cervix, some experts doubt that a nationwide vaccine is the right way to fight the cancer. "Vaccination is just one aspect of disease prevention and not always the most cost-effective, gentle and effective," said Hirte, who has published a book on HPV vaccine. In it he describes the vaccination of boys as "expensive and ineffective". STIKO chairman Jan Leidel sees things differently: "We now know that HPV can not only cause cervical cancer, but also anal cancer, penile cancer, vulvar cancer, vaginal cancer and oropharyngeal cancers." It is said that it is anal cancer in men who have sex with men, almost as common as cervical cancer in women. The STIKO recommends the Pikser for girls since 2007, for boys, there are so far no recommendation from the Commission. According to the information, a working group deals with the topic. (Ad)