Frequent middle ear infection by passive smoking?

Children: Frequent middle ear infections due to passive smoking? Children growing up in smoker households are said to be particularly susceptible to otitis media if passive smoking weakens the immune system and increases the risk of nasopharyngeal infections.
Children growing up in smoker households are said to be particularly susceptible to otitis media if passive smoking weakens the immune system and increases the risk of nasopharyngeal infections.The Landesverband Baden warns against this by the Professional Association of Otolaryngologists.
Its chairman, the ENT doctor, dr. Michael Deeg from Freiburg, points out that in toddlers the ear trumpet is shorter over the germs rise and can trigger inflammation in the middle ear. The cause may be, for example, a cold. But also enlarged throat almonds, general „adenoids“ called, a generally weak immune system and allergies can promote the occurrence, the usually quite painful middle ear infection.
In an acute case, the symptoms usually start suddenly. The children may complain of ear and headache and mild hearing loss, associated with fever and general malaise. Babies may experience restlessness, frequent and rapid crying, poor drinking and gripping the affected ear.
Since the middle ear inflammation is usually triggered by bacteria, Dr. med. Deeg prophylactically as a way a pneumococcal vaccine, the „acts primarily against the causative agent of pneumonia“. Also for pneumococcal infections smokers are four times more susceptible than nonsmokers, American researchers found around Dr. med. Jay Butler from „Center for Disease Control and Prevention“ from Anchorage / Alaska as early as 2000. Another group of American researchers led by Martha Gentry-Nielsen of Creighton University in Omaha, 2005, also confirmed an increased susceptibility of smokers to pneumonia.
In naturopathy, a vaccine is seen critically, as it is discussed again and again about the long-term effects of ingredients of inoculants. Prophylactic measures such as strengthening the immune system are preferred. And last but not least, what everyone is surely asking for: just do not smoke in closed rooms and certainly not in the presence of children and babies. (Thorsten Fischer, Osteopathy Hannover, 14.03.2010)
Additional information:
ENT doctors on the net
Options of self-treatment in case of cold