Try more often Make healthy food tasty

Many parents have already experienced that their children eventually like food that they are offered again and again. This is especially important for foods that are part of a healthy diet. But it also works for adults?
Nobody likes to eat everything
There is probably no one who likes to eat everything. Even knowing that this or that is healthy, one avoids integrating the food into the diet. But that can be changed. In a message from the dpa news agency, Daniela Krehl from the Bavarian Consumer Center explains that even adults can sometimes eat something tasty. In children, the phenomenon is indeed known. If the little ones initially reject spinach or other healthy things, in many cases, after frequent offerings, it becomes a popular food, if not a favorite meal.

Overcome and try again and again
It's harder for the big guys and it does not work if you're really disgusted with something. But with other things that one would like to like, it can help, according to Krehl, to overcome again and again and to taste them. This is useful, for example, if you have decided to eat more healthy things like porridge or Brussels sprouts. "It's best to keep telling yourself that this food is good for you," recommends nutrition expert Krehl.
Make healthy food tasty
Other tips and tricks may help adults to choose healthy foods. For example, studies show that most people enjoy the best of home-cooked food, and of course, they have the advantage of choosing the - healthy - ingredients themselves. In addition, it is often advised to create a nice ambience to whet the appetite. The previously unloved brussels sprouts may eventually be delicious by their own preparation and in a pleasant environment. (Ad)