Frequent rip off of dementia patients on coffee trips 9600 euros for food supplements

Frequent rip off of dementia patients on coffee trips 9600 euros for food supplements / Health News
Coffee trips do not die out
Coffee trips are as old as the warnings of consumer centers against rip-off. Again and again, consumers at such sales events have been forced to buy products at elevated prices with sometimes considerable pressure. Years ago, that sometimes went so far that consumers were even locked up in the stores, which were often located far away in the countryside.

Current case is immoral
The case, which has now been reported to the Verbraucherzentrale Bremen, is unbelievable. A consumer reports that her father had bought a food supplement with Q10 for a price of € 2,566 on a coffee trip organized by the organizer "Claudias Clubreisen" based in Cloppenburg. When looking through bank statements, she found that her father had already transferred 9,600 euros to a Mr. R. This is said to have been at home even with the consumer and debited by credit card 1,500 euros deposit. Two bills totaling just under 5,000 euros were still pending, by reversing or contradicting the daughter could prevent worse.

(Image: highwaystarz /

Her father is demented and therefore can hardly remember anything. "That's immoral. The organizer takes advantage of the ignorance and dementia of the consumer, the mismatch between goods and price is not clear, "notes Annabel Oelmann, CEO of the Consumer Center Bremen. "It is outrageous how the helplessness of a person is used to cut money," continued Oelmann.

Consumer advice advises to the announcement
"We urged the consumer to report to the police and, if necessary, to hire a lawyer. Immorality is punishable, and no one should be able to get away with such methods, "says Oelmann. "It is also important that older people are warned by their children or other relatives if they want to take a coffee ride. Surely such a tour can be fun, but our current case shows the risks again, "says Oelmann.

About Q10:
Coenzyme Q10 is important for the energy supply of the body and for the immune system. It is produced both by the human organism itself and ingested with food, eg. As by meat, legumes or nuts. From the point of view of the consumer center Bremen an additional admission by food supplements is not necessary.

Questions about food supplements answered the nutrition department of the Consumer Center Bremen Tuesday from 10 to 13 clock and Thursdays from 14 to 16 clock under the direct line (0421) 160 77-54. (Pm)