Homeopathy Congress 2012

Homeopathy Congress 2012 / Health News

The Homeopathy Congress 2012 is under the motto: Homeopathy is individual medicine. To look - to perceive - to recognize


"Homeopathy is individual medicine. Watching - Perceiving - Recognizing "- this is the motto of the German Homeopathy Congress 2012 of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ), which will be held in Freiburg from 17 to 19 May. "The aim of the congress is to show the roots of homeopathic thinking and action," says Peter Emmrich, first chairman of the organizing DZVhÄ Landesverband Baden-Württemberg. "The title wants to make clear the difference to conventional medicine and thus also the topicality of homeopathy," explains Emmrich, who is based in Pforzheim as a general practitioner. Now, the first congress newsletter has been published, in which many of the 40 speakers present their topic.

A few examples from various topics: The medical historian Prof. Martin Dinges, deputy director of the Institute of History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart, reports on the perception from the point of view Hahnemann; Prof. Giovanni Maio, Director of the Institute of Ethics and History of Medicine at the University of Freiburg and member of the ethics committees of the Federal Government and the German Medical Association deals with the question of healing according to schemata and guidelines? To abolish the art of healing through the industrialization of a feasibility-oriented medicine. The congress is aimed primarily at practitioners who want to put the experienced directly into their practice. In one thread, speakers will discuss currents within homeopathy, in another one, the following will be reported from practice: For example, Thomas Bonath presents the possibilities of homeopathy for mental illnesses using the example of eating disorders as an example. Anne Sparenborg-Nolte reports on the peculiarities of a homeopathic anamnesis in children.

The annual congress of the DZVhÄ is the culmination of the medical homeopathy training and meeting point of all, who are concerned with the topic of homeopathy. In addition to doctors of all disciplines, pharmacists, veterinarians, dentists, students and midwives in particular attend the DZVhÄ Congress in order to receive further training in specific events. The congress is certified with 18 CME points. All information about this 162nd Annual Meeting of the DZVhÄ is available on the congress website www.homoeopathie-kongress.de. (Pm)

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Picture: Günther Richter