Homeopathic doctors obtain counter-notification

Homeopathic doctors obtain counter-notification / Health News

Homeopathic doctors help in Liberia - counter notification obtained against Spiegel Online


Spiegel Online reported on November 24 under the heading „Liberia prevents tests on Ebola patients "on a humanitarian mission of an international medical team on behalf of the Homeopathic World Medical Association LMHI in Liberia Curt Kösters, former chairman of the German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhÄ), is quoted in this article and obtained a counter-statement, the was released on Spiegel Online on December 1.

The citations of the Hamburg doctor were either fictitious or put in a different context. The entire tenor of the article by Spiegel author Markus Grill aims to defame the work of homeopathic physicians. As it says in his post, Curt Kösters said, „that it was to test whether Ebola patients can be helped with homeopathic supplements“.

Wrong, says Kösters, he did not speak of a test. Rather, he said in the telephone interview, „that it was about treating Ebola patients according to WHO rules and offering them homeopathic therapy as well.“ Grill sets the fictional „test“ in the headline and suggests human experiments on Ebola patients.

Furthermore, Grill claims that the Liberian government has prevented the use of doctors. Not true, it was WHO officials who stood in the way of the doctors. In passing: Representatives of the Liberian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health welcomed the LMHI doctors on arrival. The general practitioners then worked for about two weeks on different wards of the Ganta Hospital and began the return journey on schedule on 7 November.

„That would be the perfect situation to prove the effectiveness of homeopathy. "Kösters also contradicts this quote: The Liberia mission was neither a research project nor has the effectiveness of homeopathy once again been proven. „That would be "- for the other side - „the perfect situation to prove the ineffectiveness of homeopathy. "

Other conversation partners of Markus Grill feel misrepresented. The Union „Friends of Liberia“ explained on his website, „that it was always openly communicated to potential donors, as well as to the government and Ganta Hospital, that the seconded doctors also have the qualification for homeopathic treatment in addition to their conventional medical qualification“. The counter notification is on Spiegel Online and on the DZVhÄ website. (Pm)