High skin cancer risk for redheads without sun

High skin cancer risk for redheads without sun / Health News

People with red hair are more likely to suffer from dangerous black skin cancer


Redheaded people are at an increased risk of developing deadly skin cancer. This resulted in an international study. However, UV radiation should not primarily be responsible for this, as hitherto assumed, but a skin pigment that promotes the development of malignant tumors.

Skin pigment promotes the development of black skin cancer
So far, UV radiation was considered the main risk factor for the development of skin cancer. However, according to an international research group, this does not apply to redheads with pale skin. Rather, a particular skin pigment is responsible for the development of the particularly dangerous black skin cancer. „In contrast to other types of skin cancer, malignant melanomas also develop on areas of the skin that are never exposed to the sun, "explains the pathologist Jochen Lennerz, who said that good sun protection is not enough for redheads, who published their findings in the journal „Nature“.

Redheads need special preventive measures to protect against skin cancer
People with red hair and particularly light, freckled skin produce a lot of the red-yellow pigment phomelanin. This is formed due to a gene variant in redheads in the skin and protects in contrast to the black-brown eumelanin, darker skin forms a sunscreen, barely from UV radiation. Scientists had therefore previously assumed that melanoma is favored only by insufficient protection against solar radiation.

Using experiments with mice that had either dark or reddish fur, as well as albino mice, the researchers found that deadly skin cancer was most common in redheaded animals. For this purpose, the pigment phaeomelanin should be responsible. The scientists emphasize that although UV protection remains the most important measure for the prevention of skin cancer, further prevention strategies need to be developed for particularly vulnerable people such as redheads.

Black skin cancer is especially dangerous
In contrast to white skin cancer, the chances of a cure for malignant melanoma are only good if diagnosed early. Black skin cancer is known to spread metastases across the lymphatic system and bloodstream at an early stage of the disease. Patients do not die from skin cancer itself, but from tumors that develop due to scattering of organs. Black skin cancer is by far the most dangerous skin cancer and the most frequently fatal skin disease worldwide. If there is a spread of metastases, around 90 percent of patients die within five years.

The number of new cases is steadily increasing worldwide in both black and less dangerous white skin cancers. The main risk factor is UV radiation.

White skin cancer occurs mainly on the face, hands or neck. Although white skin cancer is usually not fatal, this type of cancer can be permanently damaging. The cancerous cells could grow through the entire tissue, so that large areas have to be removed during the operation, explains Petra Boukamp from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). If the face is affected, it is often severely disfigured after medical intervention, the expert continues. Scarring is inevitable after the surgery.

If the white skin cancer is detected in time, various medications, such as ointments can help successfully. To prevent skin cancer, good sun protection is essential. In addition, legally insured persons from the age of 35 are entitled to a free skin cancer screening. (Ag)

Also read:
Dangerous black skin cancer
Red spots may indicate light skin cancer
Skin cancer: Dangerous spring sun in bald head
White skin cancer is rapidly increasing

Picture: Sabine Meyer